• Samsung’s Galaxy Surfboard is an ‘innovation’ that makes no sense

    Samsung Brasil made a promo video showing off how it can keep pro surfer Gabriel Medina connected to his smartphone when he’s out putting in a training session on the waves.

    Now, some of you are going to disagree with me, but I think Samsung’s really missing the point here. It’s put together technology and a ‘cool’ sport to make a promo video that almost no-one involved in that sport would seem to want.

    Pairing a secret drawer hiding away a Galaxy S7 on the side of the surfboard with LEDs allows for wave conditions, tweets from fans and tips from his coach to be displayed.

     Wouldn’t wave conditions be pretty evident by the time you’re out on them? Do you really want tweets at your feet as you’re out floating in the ocean?

    Isn’t at least half the point of surfing to get away from people, and technology and life?

    Samsung wants to connect you to every object in your life, but sometimes it just doesn’t make any sense in the real world. Knowing what’s in my smart fridge? Maybe. Seeing tweets while surfing? No way.

    Of course, if it does appeal to you, now you know how to go about getting one custom made

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