• How To Use Tea Tree Oil for Acne

    Tea Tree Oil For Acne
    Acne, which is known as acne vulgaris, is a very common but stubborn skin problem that affects both and women alike. We can rather say that it is one such skin problem that gives nightmares to the suffering person as it makes the affected area look ugly and unattractive by leaving behind unsightly scars.
    But here, tea tree oil, which is obtained by the steam distillation of melaleuca leaves, comes to your rescue! Let’s read on to know how tea tree oil is effective to treat acne.

    What Makes Tea Tree Oil Effective for Acne Treatment

    As per the researches, tea tree oil treats acne with fewer side effects than benzoyl peroxide (mostly used in acne creams). There are many properties in tea tree oil that make this essential oil effective to treat acne.
    It is AntibacterialTea tree oil contains a property called terpenes, which has bacteria-fighting abilities. So tea tree oil application kills the acne-causing bacteria propionibacterium acnes and at the same time controls the further growth of it.
    It Soothes the Skin: Loaded with disinfecting and soothing properties, tea tree oil offers a better treatment for acne. The oil penetrates deep into the skin and disinfects the pores, and dries out the blackheads and whiteheads.
    It is Antifungal: The antifungal properties of tea tree oil kills the bacteria and checks the further spreading of the acne-causing bacteria.

    Maintains the Natural Oil of the Skin: Unlike the other available treatments for acne, tea tree oil application does not remove the natural oil from the skin.
    It Balances the Oil Secretion of the Glands: It controls the appearances of acne on the skin by checking the oil production of the sebum glands.
    Removes Dead Skin Cells: The application of the tea tree oil on the skin removes the dead skin cells

    How to Use Tea Tree Oil for Acne Removal

    Tea tree oil can be used directly as well as with other ingredients like aloe vera, honey, yogurt, egg white, etc., to increase its effectiveness for acne treatment. Let’s learn a few of these remedies to treat acne.

    1. Direct Application of Tea Tree Oil on Acne

    Ensure to use pure tea tree oil to apply it directly on the skin as it is natural as well as free from harmful chemicals.
    Things you need:
    • Pure Tea Tree Oil – few Drops
    • Sterile Cotton Swabs – 2
    • A  Clean Towel
    Steps to Follow:
    1. Clean your face with water and pat dry with a towel.
    2. Soak a cotton swab in tea tree oil and apply it on the acne.
    3. Let it be on the skin for few hours.
    4. Use this remedy twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening to get rid of acne completely.
    Note: For some people, tea tree oil may cause irritation on the skin by making it red or inflamed. So to avoid such situation do a patch test before the application. Take pure tea tree oil on a cotton swab and apply it on your forearm and let it be there for few hours. If your skin does not show any irritation, then you can use tea tree oil for sure.

    2. Tea Tree Oil Astringent Rinse

    You can prepare a tea tree oil astringent rinse to keep acne at the bay. This rinse will kill the bacteria and make your skin acne free with its regular use.
    Things you need:
    • Tea Tree Oil – 4 drops
    • Water – 1 cup
    Steps to Follow:
    1. Take 1 cup of water and 4 drops of tea tree oil to it.
    2. Mix the oil properly and rinse the acne affected area with this rinse.
    3. Use this rinse at least once in a day to treat the acne issue.

    3. Tea Tree Oil with Aloe Vera Gel

    Aloe vera is widely used to treat various skin conditions like cuts, burns, irritation, inflamed skin, etc. Loaded with anti-inflammatory and skin-healing properties, the use of aloe vera can soothe the irritated skin affected by acne. Apart from that its antiseptic properties check the growth of the bacteria that clog the skin pores and cause acne.
    Things You Need:
    • Aloe Vera Gel – 2 to 3 tsp
    • Tea Tree Oil – 2 drops
    • A Small Bowl
    Steps to Follow:
    1. Take 2 to 3 tsp of aloe vera gel in a small bowl.
    2. Add 2 drops of tea tree oil to it and mix well.
    3. Apply this mix to the acne-affected area and leave for overnight.
    4. Rinse well with water and follow this remedy every night before going to bed.
    5. Regular use of this process will give you desired results.

    4. Tea Tree Oil, Yogurt and Honey

    Yogurt contains an alpha hydroxyl acid called lactic acid that dissolves the dead skin cells, which clog the pores and cause bacteria, one of the main causes of acne.  The exfoliation capacity of the lactic acid also soothes the skin and fades the acne scars. Additionally, the healthy bacterial cultures of yogurt kill the acne-causing bacteria when applied topically.
    Honey treats the acne issues effectively with its skin hydrating properties. Its antifungal and antibacterial properties kill the acne-causing the bacteria. It also reduces the redness and inflammation of the skin. The anti-inflammatory properties of honey offer a soothing effect to the skin.
    Things You Need:
    • Tea Tree Oil – 2 to 3 drops
    • Yogurt – 1 tbsp
    • Honey – 1 tbsp
    • Warm Water – as per the requirement
    • A  Regular Moisturizer
    • A Small Bowl
    Steps to Follow:
    1. In a small bowl take 2 to 3 drops of tea tree oil.
    2. Add 1 tbsp each of yogurt and honey to it.
    3. Mix all the ingredients well and apply the mixture to the acne affected area.
    4. Leave it for 15 to 20 minutes to dry properly.
    5. Rinse the area with warm water and pat dry with a clean towel.
    6. Apply your regular moisturizer to the skin to avoid dryness of the skin.
    7. Follow this process once in a day to get rid of acne completely and get a radiant skin.

    5. Tea Tree Oil and Witch Hazel

    Witch Hazel contains a property called tannin, which offers astringent and antioxidant effects to the skin. So its use keeps the acne at bay by cleansing and toning the acne-prone skin properly. Its application also balances the pH level of the skin, which further controls the appearance of acne.
    Its disinfectant properties reduce the bacteria as well as growth of acne on the skin. Its anti-inflammatory effects reduce the redness and irritation of the acne-affected skin. And the most important thing is that it controls the production of sebum on the skin, one of the main causes of acne.
    Things You Need:
    • Tea Tree Oil –  4 to 5 drops
    • Witch Hazel Oil – 30 to 40 drops
    • Cotton Swab – 1
    • A  Small Bowl
    Steps to Follow
    1. Take tea tree and witch hazel oil in a small bowl and mix well.
    2. Soak the cotton swab in the mixed oil and apply it on the acne-affected area.
    3. Use this remedy once or twice a day to get rid of acne.
    Note: Do not overuse this remedy as it may dry out your skin. Stay away from sun rays after applying this mixed oil on your skin as the UV rays may worsen the condition.

    6. Tea Tree and Olive Oil

    Like jojoba oil, olive oil also contains antibacterial properties. The extra virgin olive oil also works as a powerful antioxidant. Apart from that its anti-inflammatory properties reduce the skin irritation, inflammation and redness. It application offers a soothing effect to the skin.
    Things You Need:
    • Tea Tree Oil – 2 to 3 drops
    • Extra Virgin Olive Oil  – 2 tbsp
    • A Small Bowl
    • A  Clean Towel
    Steps to Follow
    1. In a small bowl take the tea tree oil and mix the extra virgin olive oil in it.
    2. Apply this mixed oil on your skin and leave for 15 to 20 minutes.
    3. Rinse your face with lukewarm water.
    4. Pat dry your skin with a clean towel.
    5. Follow this process once in a day to treat acne and its symptoms.

    7. Tea Tree Oil and Egg White Mask

    The mild astringent properties of egg white tone the skin well, which controls the further acne breakout. And at the same time when egg white dries on the skin it removes the dirt as well as the excess oil from the skin pores, one of the main causes of acne.
    Things you need:
    • Egg – 1
    • Tea Tree Oil – 4 drops
    • Lukewarm Water – as per the requirement
    • A Small Bowl
    Steps to Follow:
    1. Take 1 egg and separate the white portion from the yolk in a bowl.
    2. Add 4 drops of tea tree oil to it and whisk well to prepare a mask.
    3. Apply the mask on the acne affected area and leave for 15 minutes.
    4. Wash thoroughly with lukewarm water and pat dry your skin with a clean towel.
    5. Use this remedy only once in a week.

    8. Tea Tree Oil, Jojoba Oil and Tomato Mask

    Containing a number of compounds with antioxidant properties like tocopherols, jojoba oil protects the skin from the effects of free radicals.  The vitamin E content in it supports the skin health. Also, its antibacterial nature kills the bacteria Propionibacterium acne that cause acne. It is also non-toxic and non-allergenic.
    As it does not make the skin oily and does not clog the pores as well, its use does not form blackheads and whiteheads on the skin. Loaded with skin healing properties, its use soothes the inflamed, irritated and itchy skin caused by acne.
    Tomatoes contain a good amount of antioxidant properties that keep the skin healthy. Apart from that tomato juice contains acidic properties, which tighten the pores. So its application prevents the leaking of oil to the skin that causes acne. It also contains Vitamins C, A, B, E and K, which promote healthy skin.
    Things You Need:
    • Tea Tree Oil – 3 to 5 drops
    • Jojoba Oil – 1 tsp
    • Medium-sized Tomato – 1/2
    • Warm Water – as per the requirement
    • A Small Bowl
    Steps to Follow:
    1. Take ½ a tomato and cut it into small pieces.
    2. In a blender add the tomato pieces, tea tree and jojoba oil, and blend the ingredients well to make a paste.
    3. Apply the paste on the acne and leave for 10 to 15 minutes to dry properly.
    4. Rinse well with warm water.
    5. Use this remedy once in a day to get the desired results against acne.
    Note: To use jojoba oil for acne, buy only pure, cold-pressed jojoba oil. Avoid using too much of jojoba oil on the acne-affected skin as it may worsen the condition.

    9. Tea Tree Oil and Green Clay Mask

    Green clay treats the acne by absorbing the toxins, irritants and sebum from the skin.  Its application on the acne affected skin also kills the bacteria.  Apart from that its use exfoliates the dead skin cells and removes the blackheads.
    Things You Need:
    • Tea Tree Oil – 3 to 4 drops
    • Green Clay Powder – 2 tbsp
    • Warm Water – as per the requirement
    • A Small Bowl
    Steps to Follow:
    1. Take tree oil and green clay powder in a small bowl and mix well.
    2. Add the required amount of water to the mixture to make a smooth paste.
    3. Apply the paste on your acne with the help of your fingertips.
    4. Leave it on your face for 20 to 25 minutes or till the paste dries out completely.
    5. Rinse your face with warm water and then pat dry your face with a clean towel.
    6. Use this remedy 3 to 4 times a week to get rid of acne.

    10. Tea Tree Oil, Olive Oil, Honey and Sugar Scrub

    You have read the effectiveness of tea tree oil, olive oil and honey earlier. So why not making a scrub by using all these ingredients to make a scrub for acne? Here, one extra ingredient we need to add to it and that is sugar.
    Things You Need
    • Tea Tree Oil – 10 to 12 drops
    • Olive Oil – ¼ cup
    • Sugar – ½ cup
    • Honey – 1 tbsp
    • Lukewarm Water – as per the requirement
    • A Medium-sized Bowl
    Steps to Follow
    1. Take all the ingredients in the bowl and mix well.
    2. Apply the mixture on the acne-affected area and massage in circular motions for 5 minutes.
    3. Rinse the area well with lukewarm water and pat dry.
    4. Repeating this remedy regularly will give you desired results against acne.
    5. You can also make this scrub in bulk and store it for further use.

    11. Tea Tree Oil and Coconut Oil Massage

    Coconut oil contains two acids named as capric and lauric acid, which work as disinfectants on the acne. It also contains Vitamin E that keeps the skin healthy by maintaining the proper functioning of the sebum glands and clearing the blockage. Its anti-inflammatory properties soothe the skin irritation.
    Things You Need:
    • Tea Tree Oil – 1 tsp
    • Coconut Oil – 9 tsp
    • Hot Water – 1 bowl
    • A Clean Towel
    Steps to Follow
    1. Soak the face towel in hot water and then squeeze out the excess water.
    2. Cover the acne-affected area with this towel to give a steaming effect. It will open up the skin pores.
    3. Mix the tea tree oil with coconut oil and apply it on the affected area.
    4. Massage the area in circular motions for 5 to 10 minutes.
    5. Leave for few minutes so that the oil will get absorbed by the skin properly.
    6. Do not wash your face immediately.
    7. Use this remedy twice a day to get effective results against acne.

    Additional Tips

    • Use 100% pure tea tree oil to prepare the remedies as it does not contain any preservative that may harm your skin.
    • You can also use tea tree oil gel for acne. Apply it twice a day to get rid of acne completely.
    • You can add few drops of tea tree oil to your bathwater to treat acne on the chest, back and other parts of the body.
    • You can also add tea tree oil to your moisturizer for additional benefits.
    • Apply tea tree oil topically. Do not consume tea tree oil orally as it may cause severe side effects.
    • Pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers and children should refrain from using it.
    After using all these tea tree oil home remedies for acne, if the condition still persists, then it is time to see a dermatologist to confirm whether it is due to some other health issues.

    Use all these tea tree oil home remedies for acne and get a clean and clear skin to woo the whole world.
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