• How to Use Lemon for Acne Removal

    Lemon for Acne
    Acne, which is a long-term and common skin disease, appears due to the clogging of the skin pores on which the acne-causing bacteria, known as propionibacterium acne thrive. It is estimated that nearly 80% of people between the age group of 11 and 30 get acne at some point in their life. Sometimes it also affects people in their 40s and 50s. Acne is not dangerous skin condition but certainly it makes the affected area look ugly with its unsightly scars. Gradually it also affects the self-esteem of the suffering person.
    There are many natural ingredients that are used to treat acne effectively. One such ingredient is lemon, which is not only cheap but also easily available at your home. You can prepare wonderful natural remedies with lemon for acne.

    Does Lemon Really Treats Acne

    To know whether lemon really treats acne, you should know about the various acne-treating properties of lemon for all skin types. Let’s learn about those properties of lemon that are mentioned below.
    Exfoliates the Skin: Lemon is a citrus fruit, which contains a good amount of citric acid in it, which helps to exfoliate the acne-affected skin. Skin exfoliation is one of the major steps to treat acne. Its application removes the dirt, dead skin cells, which in turn open up the clogged skin pores.
    Kills the Bacteria: Lemon juice is anti-bacterial in nature, which means it kills the bacteria that cause acne on the skin. It contains Ascorbic acid, Vitamin P, and Phytoncides that kill as well as check the further growth of the acne-causing bacteria.
    Heals the Acne-affected Skin: Loaded with healing properties, lemon juice reduces the redness and inflammation of the skin caused due to acne.

    Whitens the Skin: Lemon juice acts as a natural skin whitener. So its use offers a bleaching effect to the acne spots.
    Dries Out the Acne:  Lemon juice also contains L- Ascorbic acid, which acts as a natural astringent. So its use dries out the acne and treats it soon.
    Fights against Free Radicals: Lemon juice contains a good amount of Vitamin C, which acts as an antioxidant to reduce the free radical damage of the skin. Its use reduces the acne breakout by fighting against the free radicals. It also makes the skin flawless and healthy by rejuvenating it. It strengthens the skin to fight the bacteria.

    How to Use Lemon for Acne Removal

    You can prepare various easy but effective home remedies with lemon by including other ingredients like honey, yogurt, rose water, egg white, etc., to it to treat acne. Some of these remedies are described below in detail to prepare them easily. Let’s learn them!

    1. Lemon Juice Application

    The direct application of lemon juice will treat the acne issue by removing the dirt and impurities from the skin pores that cause acne. It is considered as one of the easiest as well as an effective home remedy for acne.
    Things You Need:
    • Lemon – 1
    • Water – as per the requirement
    • Cotton Ball – 1
    • A Mild Soap
    • A Small Bowl
    1. Clean your face with a mild soap and water. Then pat it dry with a clean towel.
    2. Take the lemon and cut it into two halves to squeeze out the juice in a small bowl.
    3. Soak a cotton ball in the lemon juice and squeeze out the excess juice from it.
    4. Apply the lemon juice to the acne affected area.
    5. Leave it on the skin for 10 minutes or till the lemon juice dry out completely.
    6. Rinse the area with normal water, and then pat dry with a clean towel.
    7. Repeat this remedy twice daily to get rid of acne completely.
    Note: If the direct application of lemon juice irritates your skin then wash it with clean water immediately. Also avoid sunlight on the skin after applying lemon juice on the skin as the ultraviolet rays in it may worsen the condition of the skin.

    2. Lemon Juice and Rose Water

    The mild astringent properties of rose water remove the excess oil from the skin and tone the skin to make it healthy. It offers a cleansing effect to the skin. Its anti-inflammatory properties reduce the redness of the skin. The skin healing and hydrating properties of rose water soothe the skin irritation that is caused due to acne.
    Things You Need:
    • Lemon Juice – 1 tbsp
    • Rose Water – 1 tbsp
    • Water – as per the requirement
    • Cotton Ball – 1
    • A Mild Soap
    • A Small Bowl
    1. Clean your face with a mild soap and water. Then pat it dry with a clean towel.
    2. Take 1 tbsp each of lemon juice and rose water in a bowl and mix well.
    3. Soak a cotton ball in the mixed liquid, and then squeeze out the excess liquid from it.
    4. Apply it on the acne-affected area.
    5. Let it stay on the skin for 10 to 15 minutes, so that the liquid will dry properly.
    6. Wash your face with normal water and wipe your face with a clean towel.
    7. Follow this remedy twice a day to treat acne properly.

    3. Lemon Juice and Honey

    The antibacterial properties of honey fight the acne-causing bacteria. Its antioxidant properties kill the free radicals that damage the skin. It has excellent wound healing and skin soothing properties. So its use can treat the acne, reduce the inflammation and soothe the pain and irritation of the skin caused due to acne.
    Things You Need:
    • Lemon Juice – 1 tbsp
    • Honey – 2tbsp
    •  A Small Bowl
    1. Take the lemon juice and honey in a bowl and mix well.
    2. Apply this mixture to the acne-affected area with your finger tips.
    3. Leave the mixture on the area for 5 minutes.
    4. Wash the area with normal water and pat dry with a clean towel.
    5. Follow this remedy once in a day to get desired results against acne.
    Note: Use manuka honey to prepare this remedy as it is pure and free from impurities. Its therapeutic value is more in comparison to other varieties

    4. Lemon Juice and Cucumber

    We all know that cucumber is such an ingredient that offers various benefits to the skin including treatment for acne. Loaded with a good amount of nutrients including Vitamin A and potassium, cucumber juice can give you acne-free skin. Vitamin A acts as an antioxidant for the skin and it is proved that low potassium level in the blood stream causes acne. Cucumber juice also acts as a good toner and opens up the skin pores by removing the dirt and excess oil from it.
    Things You Need:
    • Medium-Sized Cucumber – 1
    • Lemon Juice – 1 tbsp
    1. Take the cucumber and peel it, and cut it into small pieces.
    2. In a blender make the puree of cucumber pieces and transfer it to a small bowl.
    3. Add 1 tbsp of lemon juice to it and mix well.
    4. Apply this mixture on your acne and leave for 20 minutes.
    5. Clean your face with normal water.
    6. Using this remedy once daily will give you desired results in 2 weeks period of time.

    5. Lemon and Egg White Mask

    Egg white has also many beneficial properties for the skin. The mild astringent properties of egg white tones the acne-affected skin. Also, when the egg white dries on the skin, it pulls the dirt and impurities from the skin. Its application soaks the excess oil from the skin that causes acne.
    Things You Need:
    • Lemon Juice – 2 tbsp
    • Egg – 1
    •  A Mild Soap
    1. Take 1 egg and separate the white portion of it.
    2. Add 2 tbsp of lemon juice to it and whisk well.
    3. Divide the mixture into three parts.
    4. Clean your face with a mild soap and pat it dry.
    5. Apply the first layer of the mixture to the skin and leave for 5 to 7 minutes and then apply the second layer. After 5 to 7 minutes, apply the third layer to the acne.
    6. After 5 to 7 minutes, clean the area with warm water, and then pat dry the skin.
    7. Follow this remedy regularly to get rid of acne soon.

    6. Lemon and Cinnamon

    You will be surprised to know that other than cooking, cinnamon can also be used to treat acne. Loaded with antimicrobial, antioxidant, antiseptic, antiviral, antifungal properties, cinnamon can very well help to get rid of acne and symptoms.
    Things You Need:
    • Lemon Juice – 2 tsp
    • Ground Cinnamon – 1 tsp
    1. Take 2 tsp of lemon juice and 1 tsp of ground cinnamon in a bowl, and mix well to make a paste.
    2. Apply the paste on the acne and leave for 15 to 20 minutes.
    3. Rinse the area with lukewarm water and wipe your face with a clean towel.
    Note: Cinnamon may cause a burning sensation in some people. So before applying it on the skin, do a patch test by applying it to a small part of your arm. If it does not irritate your skin, then you can go ahead with this remedy.

    7. Lemon and Chickpea

    The use of chickpea helps to treat acne by absorbing the excess oil and dirt from the skin. It opens up the skin pores and provides an exfoliating effect to the skin.
    Things You Need:
    • Lemon – 1
    • Chickpea Powder – 1 tbsp
    • Lukewarm Water – As per the requirement
    1. Take the lemon and cut it into two halves.
    2. Take the chickpea powder in a small bowl and squeeze the lemon juice on it.
    3. Mix the ingredients well to make a smooth paste.
    4. Apply it on the acne-affected skin and leave for few minutes.
    5. Rinse the area with lukewarm water and wipe the skin with a clean towel.
    6. You can apply your regular moisturizer to your skin if you feel that it has become very dry.
    7. Use this remedy once daily to get a complete cure from the acne problem.

    8. Lemon and Yogurt

    You can also combine lemon juice with the skin-friendly yogurt to get rid of acne. Containing astringent, vitamins and skin nourishing properties, yogurt will definitely offer an effective cure to the acne problem. The lactic acid in it makes it antibacterial in nature. Apart from that it also contains zinc and Vitamin B, which nourishes the skin well. Also, it maintains the pH level of the skin that keeps acne at bay.
    Things You Need:
    • Lemon Juice – 1 tbsp
    • Yogurt – 2 tbsp
    • A Mild Soap
    1. Clean your face with a mild soap and pat it dry with a towel.
    2. Take the lemon juice and yogurt in a bowl and mix well to make a paste.
    3. Apply this paste on the acne-affected area with your fingertips.
    4. Leave it on the skin for few minutes, and then wash the area with normal water.
    5. Repeat this process regularly to get rid of acne soon.

    Additional Tips

    Follow the tips that are mentioned below to make the acne healing process faster as well as more effective.
    • Always maintain a good skincare regime to keep it healthy.
    • Use pure lemon juice to prepare the home remedies as the bottled lemon juice may contain preservatives that may hurt your skin.
    • If the acne is really bad then do not use lemon juice directly on the skin. It may give a burning effect to the skin.
    • Avoid standing under the sun after the direct application of lemon juice on the skin as its UV rays may make the condition worse.
    • You can also add 2 tbsp of lemon juice to 1 a glass of water. Stir it and drink the water to detoxify the body internally, which in turn will reduce the acne breakout.
    • You can also add other ingredients like olive oil, apple cider vinegar, coconut oil, raw milk, etc., to the lemon juice to make different home remedies for acne. However, you need to do proper research regarding the quantity of these ingredients to be added to the remedy.
    After using all these home remedies of lemon for acne, if the condition does not improve, then you should consult a dermatologist to confirm whether it is the outcome of some other disease.
    To get rid of acne is no more a pricey affair! You can use these simple remedies with lemon to gift yourself an acne-free and flawless skin.
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