• How to Get Rid of Grey Hair

    grey hair remedies

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    The natural color of the hair follicle is due to the presence of a color pigment called melanin. However, when the melanin pigment cells located at hair roots declines it leads to premature gray hair.
    Graying of hair is a natural process when one ages, but when hair starts to grey in the early 20s or 30s it can hamper anybody’s confidence. There are many reasons, which can cause premature graying of hair.
    Here are some of the reasons for premature greying of hair mentioned below:
    • Hereditary
    • Vitiligo
    • Stress
    • Vitamin and nutrient deficiency
    • Aging
    • Excessive intake of tobacco
    • Anemia
    • Hypothyroidism
    • Pollution
    • Malnutrition
    • Tuberous sclerosis
    There are many commercially available hair colors, which instantly colors the grey hair in any desired color. But most of the time these commercially available colors can damage the hair follicles and cause hair fall.
    The better alternative to combat premature greying of hair issue is to use natural home remedies.The home remedies are far more effective to get rid of grey hair and make the hair follicle healthier too.
    Here are some quick and easy remedies to treat greying of hair naturally.

    Fenugreek Seeds and Coconut Oil Remedy

    Looking for an easy option to stop grey hair, and then try this fenugreek seeds and coconut oil remedy. Fenugreek seeds contain lecithin and amino acids, which makes it an excellent treatment for grey hair.
    Coconut oil is rich in minerals, vitamins and carbohydrates, which is beneficial for preventing greying of hair.
    Try this amazing remedy to prevent greying of hair.
    Things you need
    • Fenugreek seeds- ¼ cup
    • Coconut oil- ½ cup
    1. Firstly take ½ cup of coconut oil and bring it to a boil.
    2. Later add fenugreek seeds into the boiling oil.
    3. Allow the oil with fenugreek seeds to boil for 8 to 10 minutes.
    4. Then remove the fenugreek seeds infused oil from heat.
    5. Allow it to cool down to lukewarm temperature.
    6. Apply this lukewarm oil on hair and massage the oil into the hair in circular motions gently for 2 to 3 minutes.
    7. Leave on the oil application overnight.
    8. Next day wash off the hair thoroughly with shampoo and follow up with a conditioner.
    9. This process must be repeated twice a week for at least 3 weeks to treat grey hair.

    Fenugreek Seeds, Henna, Basil, Coffee, Mint and Yogurt Hair Mask Remedy

    Looking for a quick remedy to cover the grey hair, and then try this popular natural hair color home remedy.  This is one of the most effective home remedies for grey hair, which contains ingredients like henna, coffee, fenugreek seed, basil, coffee, mint and yogurt.
    Fenugreek seeds contain essential acids, which help to arrest the premature graying of hair and maintain a healthy hair color. Henna contains essential natural pigments, which naturally dyes the hair without any side effects.
    Coffee is a great natural alternative to darken the hair and it’s even beneficial for making the hair stronger. Basil helps to stimulate the hair follicle and its medicinal properties helps to delay premature grey hair.
    Mint possesses a good source of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, which are beneficial for maintaining the natural pigments in the hair follicle.Yogurt is a great alternative to conditioner for smoothing the hair and nourishing the hair shaft from deep within.
    Try this herbal hair color to reverse grey hair.
    Things you need
    • Fenugreek seeds- 2 tsp
    • Henna powder- 2 tsp
    • Basil leaves- 2 tsp
    • Coffee powder- 3 tsp
    • Mint juice- 3 tsp
    • Yogurt- 1 tbsp.
    • Water- 1 tbsp. Optional
    • Shower cap
    • Blender
    1. Firstly soak fenugreek seeds in ½ cup of water overnight.
    2. The next day grind the fenugreek seeds, basil leaves and mint leaves into a smooth paste in a blender.
    3. Later take a mixing bowl and add all the dry ingredients like henna powder and coffee powder.
    4. Mix them well and later combine it with the wet ingredients like yogurt, fenugreek seeds, basil leaves and mint leaves paste.
    5. Mix well to form a uniform lump free paste.
    6. Apply this mask liberally all over the hair and mainly concentrating on the grey hair areas.
    7. Cover the hair with a shower cap to avoid stain on clothes.
    8. Leave on this hair mask for 30 to 40 minutes.
    9. Later start rinsing the hair mask thoroughly with plain water and then follow up with a shampoo.
    10. This process must be repeated once in a month to reverse grey hair effectively.

    Onion Remedy

    Home remedies are the easiest alternatives to prevent greying of hair. Amongst home remedies every household’s staple vegetable Onion is very effective to get rid of gray hair.  Onions help to boost up the levels catalase, which restores the hair’s natural color.
    Try this simple yet effective Onion remedy for curing greying of hair.
    Things you need
    • Onion- 1 (medium size)
    • Blender
    • Muslin cloth
    1. Firstly peel the onion and cut into two halves.
    2. Then add the onion halves into a blending jar.
    3. Blend on medium speed for 2 to 3 minutes until onion forms a smooth puree like consistency.
    4. Later strain the onion puree on a muslin cloth and extract the juice well.
    5. Apply this fresh extracted onion juice liberally all over the scalp and hair.
    6. Leave on the application of onion juice on hair for 40 to 60 minutes.
    7. Later ,rinse of the onion juice application with water thoroughly and follow up with a shampoo.
    8. This process must be repeated thrice a week for 1 month for noticing a significant reduction in grey hair.

    Indian Gooseberry, Eucalyptus Oil, Egg and Lemon Juice Remedy

    Trying to find a solution for how to get rid of grey hair, then choose the most effective natural ingredient Indian gooseberry remedy to stop greying of hair.
    Indian gooseberry is a rich source of antioxidants and vitamin C, which helps to prevent premature graying of hair. Eucalyptus oil has unique chemical compounds, which promotes follicle stimulation by increasing the blood flow around the hair follicles.
    Eggs contain proteins, fatty acids and vitamins, which help in maintaining healthy hair and retain its natural color.Lemon juice contains good amounts of vitamin B, C and phosphorus, which nourishes the hair and treats the cause of grey hair.
    Yogurt is full of proteins and essential nutrients that make hair healthy and stronger. Choose this effective remedy for treating the cause of premature greying of hair.
    Things you need
    • Indian gooseberry- 1
    • Eucalyptus oil- 1 tbsp
    • Egg- 1
    • Lemon juice- 1 tsp
    • Curd- 2 tbsp.
    • Shower cap
    1. Firstly cut the Indian gooseberries into thin slices.
    2. Then soak these Indian gooseberries slices into eucalyptus oil for 2 to 3 hours.
    3. For soaking the Indian gooseberries in eucalyptus oil using an iron container is very important.
    4. After 2 to 3 hours add an egg, lemon juice and curd in Indian gooseberries infused eucalyptus oil.
    5. Mix this mixture well and apply this as a hair mask liberally all over the hair.
    6. Cover the hair in shower cap for avoiding stains on clothes.
    7. Leave on this hair mask for 20 to 30 minutes.
    8. Later, rinse off the hair mask thoroughly with water and follow up with shampoo and conditioner.
    9. This process the cure for grey hair must be repeated thrice a week for a noticeable difference in premature greying of hair.

    Indian Gooseberry and Coconut Oil Remedy

    Premature greying of hair can be an embarrassing situation for everybody, which can be easily dealt with simple home remedies.
    One of the easiest and most trusted remedies is Indian gooseberry and coconut oil. Indian Gooseberry is a potent ingredient, which benefits to reverse grey hair naturally. Coconut Oil easily penetrates into the hair shaft, which binds the proteins in the hair to strengthen fibers and delays premature greying of hair.
    Try this excellent tried and tested remedy to prevent grey hair.
    Things you need
    • Indian gooseberry- 3-4
    • Coconut oil- 1 cup
    1. Firstly cut the Indian gooseberry into thin slices.
    2. Later bring 1 cup of coconut oil to boil.
    3. Then add the sliced Indian gooseberries into boiling coconut oil.
    4. Allow the coconut oil with Indian gooseberries to boil on low heat for 10 to 15 minutes until the Indian gooseberry slices turn black.
    5. Later remove the oil from heat and allow the oil to cool down to room temperature.
    6. Apply this Indian gooseberry infused coconut oil all over the hair and gently massage the scalp in circular motions for 2 to 3 minutes.
    7. Leave the oil application overnight for best results.
    8. The next day wash off the oil application with shampoo followed with a conditioner if required.
    9. This process to reverse grey hair must be repeated thrice a day for preventing graying hair and avoiding hair fall.

    Indian Gooseberry, Lemon Juice and Almond Oil Remedy

    Toxic buildup in the hair shaft damages the color pigments in the hair causing premature graying of hair.
    To restore the natural pigment of the hair this home remedy containing Indian gooseberry, lemon juice and Almond oil is very efficious. Indian gooseberry ranks highest in terms of vitamin C content in fruits and vegetable. The highest source of vitamin C helps to detox the hair follicle thus prevents grey hair.
    Lemon juice is even a good source of vitamin C, which aides in promoting healthy color pigments in the hair.Almond Oil contains good amounts of magnesium, which is essential for maintaining healthy hair and prevents premature greying of hair.
    Choose this simple remedy to get rid of grey hair.
    Things you need
    • Indian gooseberry- 3 Nos
    • Lemon juice- 3 tsp
    • Almond oil- 3 tbsp.
    • Shower cap
    • Blender
    • Strainer
    1. Firstly cut Indian gooseberries into chunks.
    2. Add the gooseberry chunks into a blending jar and blend till Indian gooseberries form a smooth paste like consistency.
    3. Strain the Indian gooseberry paste through a fine strainer and extract the juice.
    4. Then take a mixing bowl. add Indian gooseberry juice, lemon juice and almond oil.
    5. Mix all the ingredients well and apply all over the hair and the scalp liberally.
    6. Work the mixture well into the hair by massaging the hair for 1 to 2 minutes.
    7. Then cover the hair in a shower cap and leave it on for 30 to 35 minutes.
    8. Later, rinse off the oil applied with water and follow up with a shampoo to remove the oil residue.
    9. This process is a perfect cure for grey hair and it must be repeated thrice a week for 3 weeks for noticing significant reducing in greying of hair.

    Curry Leaves and Coconut Oil Remedy

    Premature greying is a common concern and one of the simplest solutions to delay greying of hair is this Curry leaves and Coconut oil remedy.
    Curry leaves contain vitamin B, which is beneficial for restoring the natural color pigments of the hair. Coconut oil restores the nutrients and vitamins in the hair follicle for delaying the occurrence of grey hair.
    Try amazing this hair nourishing tonic now to avoid premature greying of hair.
    Things you need
    • Fresh curry leaves- ¼ cup
    • Coconut oil- 1 cup
    • Muslin cloth
    1. Bring 1 cup of coconut oil to boil firstly.
    2. Later add ¼ cup of fresh curry leaves into the boiling coconut oil.
    3. Allow the oil to boil for 10 to 15 minutes on low heat or until the curry leaves appear charred.
    4. Then remove the coconut oil infused with curry leaves from the heat.
    5. Strain the oil using a muslin cloth and allow the oil to cool down to room temperature.
    6. Apply this oil all over the hair and scalp liberally.
    7. Massage the oil into the hair for 4 to 5 minutes, so that the oil can work well on the hair follicles.
    8. Leave on the oil application for 30 to 40 minutes to get rid of grey hair.
    9. Later, rinse off the oil with water accompanied by shampoo.
    10. This process must be repeated twice a week for minimum 4 weeks to reverse gray hair.

    Coconut Oil and Lemon Juice Remedy

    Get rid of gray hair with these easily available ingredients at home like coconut oil and lemon juice faster.
    Coconut oil is an age old secret for maintaining hair at an optimal level with its nourishing and conditioning benefits. This natural oil helps to prevent grey hair, stops hair fall and strengthens the hair too.
    Lemon juice helps to build healthy color pigments of the hair follicle for maintaining the natural color of the hair. Try this simple remedy to turn reverse grey hair into the desired natural color of the hair.
    Things you need
    • Coconut oil- 2 tbsp.
    • Lemon juice- 2 tsp

    1. Firstly heat the coconut oil to a lukewarm temperature.
    2. Then remove the coconut oil from heat.
    3. Later add lemon juice and stir well.
    4. Apply this warm coconut oil and lemon juice solution all over the scalp and hair.
    5. Leave on the solution in the hair for 20 to 30 minutes.
    6. Then, rinse of the solution with water and follow up with a shampoo.
    7. This process must be repeated twice a week for preventing grey hair naturally.

    Hibiscus, Curry Leaves, Amla and Coconut Oil Remedy

    Looking for solution about how to get rid of grey hair naturally, and then try this amazing herbal remedy with hibiscus flowers, curry leaves, amla and coconut oil.
    Hibiscus flower stimulates blood circulation and rejuvenates the scalp. The medicinal benefits of hibiscus help to delay premature greying of hair and even promote healthy hair growth.
    Coconut oil’s antioxidant property is proven to cure the primary cause of graying of hair and darken the hair naturally. Curry leaves are yet another potent ingredient, which helps to darken the natural color pigment of the hair.
    Alma is amongst the most traditional and popular ingredients for enhancing dark color of the hair. Opt for this herbal hibiscus infused oil remedy now to reverse grey hair and retain the natural hair color.
    Things you need
    • Coconut oil- 1 cup
    • Hibiscus flowers- 4- 5
    • Curry leaves- 10 -15
    • Fresh Alma (Indian Gooseberry)- 1 – 2
    • Strainer
    1. Firstly bring 1 cup of coconut oil to boil.
    2. Then add curry leaves and slices of amla into boiling coconut oil.
    3. Continue to boil the coconut oil for 4 to 5 minutes on a low heat.
    4. Later add the hibiscus flowers in boiling coconut oil and cover the vessel with a lid.
    5. Remove the coconut oil from heat and allow the infused coconut oil to cool down to room temperature.
    6. Later preserve this oil in a bottle for later usage.
    7. This coconut oil infusion must be massaged into hair at night before sleeping.
    8. The next day, rinse off the oil with shampoo.
    9. This process must be repeated every night for 1 month to notice a visible reduction in premature grey hair.

    Ribbed Gourd and Coconut Oil Remedy

    Occurrence of grey hair at a young age can easily decrease the self-esteem of any individual. To combat this concern effectively and quickly home remedy containing ribbed gourd and coconut oil is very efficious.
    Ribbed gourd enriches the hair shaft and even restores the natural pigments in the hair. Coconut oil is a natural hair nourisher and even strengthens the hair roots for the prevention of greying of hair.
    Try this natural hair pigment enhancer remedy as an effective cure for grey hair.
    Things you need
    • Ribbed gourd pieces- ½ cup
    • Coconut oil- 1 cup
    • Strainer
    1. Chop the ribbed gourd into small pieces.
    2. Then sundry the ribbed gourd pieces for 3 days.
    3. Later bring 1 cup of coconut oil for boil and add sundried ribbed gourd pieces.
    4. Allow the coconut oil to boil for further 10 to 15 minutes.
    5. Then remove from heat and strain the ribbed gourd pieces from oil.
    6. Allow the oil to cool down to lukewarm temperature.
    7. Apply this lukewarm ribbed gourd infused coconut oil liberally on hair and scalp and massage for 1 to 2 minutes.
    8. Leave on the oil application for 1 ½ hour.
    9. Later wash off the oil with shampoo.
    10. This process must be repeated twice a week to reverse grey hair faster.

    Sesame Seed and Almond Oil Remedy

    The best alternative to chemical hair colors is home remedies. Home remedies don’t just cure grey hair, but even helps to prevent graying of hair. One of the potential treatments is this Sesame seed and almond oil remedy.

    Sesame seeds contain a good source of magnesium and calcium, which nourishes the hair follicle and delays premature greying of hair. Almond oil possesses many hair beneficial properties, vitamin E, proteins, essential nutrients and antioxidants, which aides to prevent grey hair.
    Substitute chemical laden hair colors with this effective oil combination to treat premature greying of hair faster.
    Things you need
    • Sesame seeds- 3 tsp
    • Sweet almond oil- 2 tbsp.
    • Blender
    1. Firstly, add sesame seeds into a blending jar.
    2. Grind sesame seeds until it turns into a powder like consistency.
    3. Later heat the almond oil to a lukewarm temperature.
    4. Then add sesame seeds powder into the lukewarm almond oil.
    5. Mix well and apply this solution all over the hair liberally.
    6. After applying this solution massage the hair gently in circular motions so that oil can penetrate into the hair follicle better.
    7. Leave on this oil application for 25 to 30 minutes as a cure to get rid of grey hair.
    8. Then wash off this solution thoroughly with plain water and if required follow up with shampoo.
    9. This process must be repeated thrice a week every night for naturally enhancing the dark color of the hair.

    Basil Leaves and Mustard Oil Remedy

    Worried about how to prevent gray hair in early 20’s then switch to this amazing basil leave and mustard oil remedy. This home remedy includes basil leaves and mustard oil, which is very effective to prevent and treat premature grey hair as well.
    Basil leaves is known to be extremely beneficial for producing healthy hair and stimulate the hair follicles too. Mustard oil contains vitamin A, calcium, iron, magnesium and other essential fatty acids.
    These properties promote hair growth and even encourage healthy pigment cells of the hair for naturally darker colored hair.  Choose this effective remedy to prevent and control greying of hair naturally.
    Things you need
    • Mustard oil- 2 tbsp.
    • Fresh basil leaves-  20 to 30 Nos
    • Mortar and pestle
    • Muslin cloth
    1. Firstly grind basil leaves in a mortar and pestle until it forms a smooth paste.
    2. Then pour the basil paste on a muslin cloth and extract the juice out of the basil paste.
    3. Later mix this freshly extracted basil juice into mustard oil.
    4. Mix well and apply this solution to hair and scalp.
    5. Work the oil into the hair by massaging the scalp gently in circular motions.
    6. Leave on the oil application overnight for best results to get rid of grey hair.
    7. This process must be repeated twice a week for preventing graying of hair and enhancing the natural dark pigment of the hair.

    Black Tea Remedy

    Vitamin deficiency and stress can lead to premature greying of hair easily. Black tea’s natural dyeing agent is beneficial for adding a deep color to the hair and fading grey hair instantly.
    Try this amazing natural hair color now without side effects as a natural cure for grey hair.
    Things you need
    • Black tea bags- 2 tsp
    • Water- 1 cup
    • Salt- 1 tsp
    1. Firstly bring 1 cup of water to a boil.
    2. Then add black tea in boiling water.
    3. Cover the vessel and allow the tea to boil for more 4 to 5 minutes.
    4. Later remove from heat and add salt in the tea concoction.
    5. Stir well and strain the tea leaves.
    6. Allow the tea concoction to cool down to room temperature.
    7. Then apply this black tea concoction on hair and concentrating especially on the grey hair areas.
    8. Leave on the black tea concoction in hair for 25 to 30 minutes.
    9. Later, rinse the hair with cold water and don’t use shampoo.
    10. This black tea rinse must be repeated thrice a week for regaining the natural dark color of the hair.

    Black Pepper and Yogurt Remedy

    The quest for how to get rid of gray hair naturally can easily be answered by this simple and quick home remedy. Black pepper is a wonderful ingredient for revitalizing the hair shaft and promotes healthy growth of hair pigments.
    Yogurt restores the vitamins and nutrients into the hair and even repairs the damaged hair pigment cells for promoting dark hair color.Try this wonderful black pepper and yogurt remedy to combat grey hair effectively.
    Things you need
    • Black pepper- 1 gram
    • Yogurt- ½ cup
    • Blender
    • Shower cap
    1. Firstly ground black pepper into a fine powder in a blender.
    2. Then add black pepper powder in yogurt and mix well until smooth.
    3. Later apply this black pepper and yogurt mask on hair.
    4. Work on the mask on hair by gently massaging the scalp in circular motion for 3 to 4 minutes.
    5. Leave on the hair mask for 15 to 20 minutes.
    6. Then rinse off the hair mask with plain water and then follow up with shampoo.
    7. This process must be repeated once a week as a natural cure for grey hair.

    Shikakai and Soap Nut Seed Herbal Shampoo Remedy

    One of the main culprits of premature greying of hair is the excessive use of chemicals products on hair.
    To combat this issue this one simple herbal remedy is Shikakai and Soap Nut seed Shampoo is all you need to get rid of grey hair.Shikakai gently cleanses the hair without stripping the hair’s natural oils and even adds a shine and softness to the hair.
    Soap nut seeds contains vitamins A, D, E and K, which makes the hair smoother and shinier. Soap nut even contains natural hair conditioning properties as well as delays the premature greying of hair.
    Switch to this amazing herbal Shikakai and soap nut shampoo remedy to prevent grey hair today.
    Things you need
    • Shikakai- 4-5
    • Soap nut seeds- 10-15
    • Water- 1 liter
    • Empty bottle- 1
    1. Firstly, take 1 liter of water and soak Shikakai and soap nut seeds into the water.
    2. Allow Shikakai and soap nut seeds to soak in water overnight.
    3. The next day boil the water with soaked Shikakai and soap nuts for 5 to 8 minutes.
    4. Later remove this solution from heat and allow it to cool down to room temperature.
    5. Then store this herbal shampoo in a clean bottle.
    6. Use this herbal shampoo to wash your hair like regular shampoo.
    7. This herbal shampoo must be used regularly to reverse grey hair and keep away other hair related issues.

    Rosemary and Sage Remedy

    Looking for a solution about how to get rid of grey hair naturally? This home remedy with some awesome natural herbs like Rosemary and Sage is the perfect solution to this query.
    Rosemary possesses many hair beneficial properties, which reverse the damage caused by pollution and other environmental factor. Thus, this herb is beneficial for treating grey hair effectively.
    Sage contains natural dyeing agents, which is beneficial for darkening the hair naturally. Try this amazing natural hair dyeing remedy to treat the graying of hair naturally.
    Things you need
    • Rosemary leaves- ½ cup
    • Sage- ½ cup
    • Water- 2 cups
    • Shower cap
    1. Bring 2 cups of water to a boil.
    2. Then add rosemary and sage into the boiling water.
    3. Allow the water to boil for 10 to 15 minutes.
    4. Later remove from heat and let the herbs steep in hot water for 2 to 3 hours.
    5. Then apply this solution on the hair liberally mainly concentrating on areas with grey hair.
    6. Cover the hair with a shower cap.
    7. Allow the solution to remain in hair for 20 to 30 minutes.
    8. Then wash off the solution with a mild shampoo.
    9. This process must be repeated once in week for covering graying of hair naturally.

    Amaranth Leave remedy

    Treating hair issues like hair fall, dandruff and greying of hair can be cured with this highly effective home remedy.
    Amaranth leaves are very effective for treating the onset of premature graying and even makes the hair shaft stronger and shinier.
    Try this one ingredient remedy to instantly add natural color to grey hair.
    Things you need
    • Amaranth leaves- 1 cup
    • Blender
    • Strainer
    • Shower cap
    1. Firstly, take 1 cup of amaranth leaves and add it into the blender.
    2. Blend the leaves for 2 to 3 minutes until the amaranth leaves forms a smooth puree like consistency.
    3. Later pour the amaranth leaves paste into the strainer and extract the juice.
    4. Apply this extracted juice all over the hair and on areas with onset of grey hair.
    5. Cover the hair with a shower cap.
    6. Leave it on for about 20 to 30 minutes.
    7. Then rinse off the amaranth juice with cold water.
    8. This process must be repeated twice a week for boosting the natural dark color of the hair.

    Ginger and Milk Remedy

    How to get rid of grey hair is one of the most asked questions by youngsters today. One simple answer to this common concern is this amazing ginger and milk home remedy, which treats this issue at the onset stage itself.
    Ginger is a good source of magnesium, phosphorous, potassium and vitamins. These properties help to promote the natural color of the hair and even prevent further hair damage as well.
    Milk is a natural moisturizing agent, which deeply nourishes the hair and prevents environmental damage to the hair. Try this remedy now to be amazed with the results to prevent grey hair effectively.
    Things you need
    • Fresh ginger- 2 inch piece
    • Milk- 2 tbsp.
    • Grater
    • Shower cap
    1. Firstly peel the ginger skin and grate it finely.
    2. Later add milk to this grated ginger and mix well to form a thick paste like consistency.
    3. Apply this ginger and milk mixture all over the hair liberally.
    4. Now, cover the hair with a shower cap.
    5. Leave this mixture over your hair for about 10 to 15 minutes.
    6. Later, rinse off the mixture with cold water.
    7. This process must be repeated once a week for 1 month for noticing a significant reduction to reverse grey hair.

    Clarified Butter Remedy

    Early onset of grey hair in many people is caused by vitamin and nutrient deficiency. Try this awesome one ingredient home remedy to treat this common issue now.
    Clarified butter is also known as ghee. It is loaded with vitamins like A, D, E and K. These qualities of clarified butter promote healthy hair growth and restore the vitamins and nutrients in the hair.
    Things you need
    • Clarified butter- 2 tbsp.
    1. Firstly heat the clarified butter to a lukewarm temperature.
    2. Then remove from heat and apply it all over on your hair and scalp liberally.
    3. Massage the hair gently in circular motions for 2 to 3 minutes.
    4. Leave this application on the hair for 20 to 30 minutes.
    5. Then wash off the application with plain water and shampoo.
    6. This process must be repeated twice a week for restoring the natural dark color of the hair and as a natural cure for grey hair.
    Home remedies are a great, easy, and affordable alternative to treat grey hair but some important tips to help you further are posted below:
    1. Avoid caffeinated drinks and junk foods, which can sometime aggregate the onset of grey hair.
    2. Avoid smoking and consumption of alcohol.
    3. Keeping your scalp clean will even benefit in delaying premature grey hair.
    4. Avoid using excessive heat treatments on hair.
    5. It is recommended to use mild shampoo and conditioner.
    6. Use a hat to avoid harsh sun and wear a shower cap in the swimming pool to avoid hair damage caused by chlorine bleach.
    7. Avoid hot water to wash your hair as it can cause grey hair.
    8. Never tie the hair or comb the hair when wet.
    9. Drink enough water.
    10. Maintain a healthy diet by including biotin, iron and vitamins rich products, fresh fruits and vegetables.
    11. A diet rich in nutrients and minerals even acts as a natural cure for grey hair.
    12. Use herbal oils and massage the scalp well to keep hair problems at bay.
    13. Exercise regularly and maintain a stress free lifestyle.
    There are many medications and chemical treatments like hair colors available for instantly curing grey hair. But sometimes these treatments and medications can damage the hair and can even cause scalp infections.

    So, one of the easiest and economical alternatives to cure grey hair is to try home remedies. Home remedies using natural ingredients are more effective and safer relatively to chemical based hair colors and treatments.
    In case the appearance of grey hair prolongs always remember to consult a specialist.Any kind of over the counter medication or treatment for treating graying of hair must be strictly taken only under the prescription of a specialist.Next

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