• How to Get Rid of White Spots on Teeth

    Get Rid of White Spots on Teeth
    A beautiful smile adds to the beauty of a person. And a pair of pearly white teeth without any spots is what makes your smile beautiful and attractive. But if you develop white spots on your teeth or have white spots on teeth due some reason or the other, it totally mars your look as well as your personality.

    What are White Spots on Teeth?

    Actually white spots on the teeth is not a major concern and can be treated, but the important thing here is that it makes your smile unattractive as well as affect your self-confidence while talking to people or while smiling in public. It makes you conscious most of the times.
    People generally get white spots on teeth due to loss of mineral on the enamel of the teeth. As per medical terms, this condition of teeth is known as hypocalcification.
    The white spots on teeth also lead to tooth decay or the deterioration of the teeth. In fact, white spots on teeth are the first sign that indicates that your teeth have started decaying.

    Causes of White Spots on Teeth

    Are you worried that you have noticed few white spots on your teeth in the morning? I know, now you just want to know what causes white spots on the teeth.
    Actually, there are various reasons due to which a person can develop white spots on the teeth and the reasons also vary from person to person. Some of the common causes due to which a person can develop white spots on the teeth are given below. Let’s read to know about them.

    Fluorosis: It is a condition which damages the enamel of the teeth and cause white spots on them. This condition occurs due to the excessive consumption of fluoride by the children before the full development of the teeth. It is the most common cause of white spots on teeth.
    Excessive Calcium Secretion: The body produces excessive calcium during the growth of the teeth and this excess calcium affects the enamel and cause white spots on the teeth.
    Loss of Mineral: White spots can also appear on the teeth due to loss of mineral in the teeth, which is known as  hypocalcification while the white spots on the teeth are known as hypoplasia.
    Acidic Fruits and Drink: The excessive consumption of acidic fruits and drinks damages the enamel of the teeth, thus causes white spots on the teeth.
    Acidity: If you are suffering from frequent acidity problems, then your teeth are vulnerable to get white spots on them.
    Dry Mouth: It also causes white spots on the teeth. In this condition, the mouth does not produce enough saliva to neutralize the pH level of the body. As a result, the acid-producing bacteria become active and cause white spots on the teeth.
    Poor Oral Hygiene: If you do not clean your teeth properly, then plaques get formed on your teeth, which dissolve the teeth enamel and cause white spots on the teeth.
    Braces on the Teeth: Wearing braces for a longer period of time also causes white spots on the teeth. While wearing braces on the teeth, you have to take extreme care of the dental hygiene.
    The lack of oral hygiene makes road for plaque built up on the teeth and when you will remove the braces, you will find white spots on the teeth, which most of the times lead to tooth decay.
    Genetic Disorder: Sometimes genetics plays a major role in creating white spots on the teeth.

    Home Remedies to Get Rid of White Spots on Teeth

    Who doesn’t want to flash that beautiful smile with a set of bright white teeth? But what can be done when you have white spots on the teeth. It mars the appearance of the face and affects your self-confidence to smile at the public place.
    One thing you can do. You can go to the dentist to make your teeth spot free and bright. But, it is very expensive.
    Yes, you can go for the OTC drugs to get rid of those unpleasant white spots from your teeth. But again these drugs bring with them many side effects, which can further damage your teeth.
    Are you worried now to think how to get rid of white spots on teeth? Do not worry as there are various treatments that use natural ingredients to treat this dental problem.
    Let’s have a look at the home remedies to remove white spots on teeth!

    Baking Soda to Remove White Spots on Teeth

    Baking soda is one of the most effective ingredients to remove white spots from the teeth. The alkaline nature of baking soda helps to remove the plaques as well as the white spots from the teeth. It releases free radicals when it comes in contact with water. This process helps remove the stains or white spots on the teeth that occurs due to consumption of various types of food and tobacco.
    Method 1: Baking Soda and Water
    Get this:
    • Baking soda –2 tbsp
    • Toothbrush – 1
    • Water – 1 tbsp
    Do this:
    1. Take your toothbrush and wet it with water.
    2. Now, dip the wet toothbrush in the baking soda properly so that the bristles will be coated fully with the baking soda.
    3. Brush your teeth with this baking soda dipped toothbrush at least for 2 minutes.
    4. Follow this process two times a week to get rid of white spots on teeth.
    Note: You may experience a tingling sensation when you will start brushing your teeth with baking soda, but there is nothing to worry about it. But if you get a burning sensation, then stop using it.
    Method 2: Baking Soda and Water
    Get this:
    • Baking soda –2 tbsp
    • Water – 1 glass
    Do this:
    1. Add 2 tbsp of baking soda to the water and stir well.
    2. Now use the baking soda water to rinse your mouth.
    3. Rinse your teeth with normal water.
    4. Use this baking soda water to rinse your mouth once a day to get rid of white spots on the teeth.

    Baking Soda and Strawberry to Get Rid of White Spots on Teeth

    Strawberry is loaded with anti-oxidant properties and Vitamin C, which helps to remove the stains from the teeth.
    Get this:
    • Ripe strawberry- 1
    • Baking soda- 2 tsp
    Do this:
    1. Take 1 ripe strawberry and mash it properly to make a smooth paste.
    2. Now, add the baking soda to it and mix well to form a paste.
    3. Brush your teeth with this strawberry and baking soda paste for 2 to 3 minutes.
    4. Rinse your teeth with normal water.
    5. Follow this remedy at least once per week to get rid of white spots on the teeth.

    Baking Soda and Vinegar Toothpaste

    The use of baking soda along with the vinegar also helps to remove the white spots from the teeth.
    Get this:
    • Vinegar – 1 tsp
    • Baking soda – 2 tsp
    Do this
    1. Mix both the vinegar and baking soda to form a smooth paste.
    2. Brush your teeth with this paste for 2 to 3 minutes.
    3. Rinse your mouth with normal water.
    4. Follow this remedy twice per week till you remove the white spots from your teeth completely.

    Baking Soda with Hydrogen Peroxide

    Hydrogen peroxide offers whitening and bleaching effects when used on teeth. So the combination of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide works well to remove white spots from teeth.
    Get this:
    • Hydrogen peroxide – 1 tbsp
    • Baking soda – 1 tbsp
    • Toothbrush -1
    Do this:
    1. Dip your toothbrush first in hydrogen peroxide.
    2. Again dip it in baking soda.
    3. Now, brush your teeth for 2 to 3 minutes.
    4. Rinse your mouth and teeth with normal water.
    5. Use this remedy once or twice per week to reduce the white spots on the teeth.

    Baking Soda, Peppermint Extract and Glycerin

    Loaded with antibacterial and antiseptic properties, peppermint oil controls the plaque formation on the teeth, one of the main causes of tooth discoloration. Apart from that it also adds a nice flavor to the mixture. The use of glycerin also helps to make the teeth stain-free.
    Get this:
    • Baking soda – 6 tsp
    • Glycerine – 4 tsp
    • Salt – ½ tsp
    • Peppermint extract – 2 to 3 drops
    •  A small bowl
    Do this:
    1. Take the baking soda and glycerine in a small bowl.
    2. Add 2 to 3 drops of peppermint extract oil and salt to it.
    3. Mix all the ingredients well to make a smooth paste.
    4. Now apply the paste to your teeth and brush your teeth for 2 to 3 minutes.
    5. Use this remedy twice per week to remove white spots from the teeth.

    Baking Soda and Toothpaste:

    Brushing your teeth with baking soda and your regular toothpaste can also do wonders to remove white spots on the teeth.
    Get this:
    • Baking soda – 1 tsp
    • Your regular toothpaste
    Do this:
    1. To brush your teeth in the morning take the required amount of your toothpaste in your toothbrush.
    2. Sprinkle 1 tsp of baking soda on the toothpaste.
    3. Now brush your teeth with this baking soda coated toothpaste for 2 minutes.
    4. Rinse your mouth with normal water.
    5. Follow this process once or twice a week to remove white spots from your teeth totally.
    Note: Although baking soda has numerous benefits to remove white spots from the teeth, but you should limit its use. You should restrict its use maximum twice per week; otherwise it may damage your teeth enamel.

    Lemon to Remove White Spots on Teeth

    We know that lemon is used for various skin care remedies to give a blemish-free skin. But do you know that lemon can also be used to treat white spots on teeth? Yes, it can.
    Lemon has citric content in it, which helps to remove the white spots from the teeth.
    Method 1: Lemon and Water
    Get this:
    • Lemon juice – 1 tbsp
    • Water – 1 cup
    Do this:
    1. Take 1 cup of water and add 1 tbsp of lemon juice to it.
    2. Stir the lemon juice nicely and use this concoction as a mouth wash.
    3. Use this mouthwash daily once to get rid of white spots on teeth.
     Method 2: Lemon and Salt
    Application of salt along with lemon juice also helps you remove white spots from the teeth. Additionally it will also prevent bad breath and make the gums stronger.
    You should use sea salt in this remedy as it is full of with minerals, which is beneficial for the teeth and the gum.
    Get this:
    • Lemon juice 1 tbsp
    • Sea salt – 1 tbsp
    Do this:
    1. Mix both the lemon juice and sea salt.
    2. Now apply the mixture on your teeth.
    3. Rub it on your teeth for few minutes.
    4. Rinse your teeth and mouth with normal water
    5. Follow this process at least once in the morning to get rid of white spots on teeth.

    Basil to Remove White Spots on Teeth

    The holy basil works great to fix white spots on teeth. With natural teeth whitening capabilities, basil also treats bleeding gum and bad breath issues.
    Method 1: Dried Basil Leaves
    Get this
    • Basil leaves – a handful
    Do this.
    1. Take the basil leaves and clean them with water.
    2. Dry them in the sun.
    3. When the leaves are dried completely, make the powder of it.
    4. Brush your teeth with this powder to get rid of white spots on the teeth.
    Method 2: Basil Leaves and Mustard Oil
    Mustard oil not only helps to clean the teeth but also strengthens the gum and teeth. It is also used to treat toothache problems.
    Get this:
    • Basil leaves:  5 to 6
    • Mustard oil – 1 tsp
    Do this:
    1. Crush the basil leaves and mix with the mustard oil.
    2. Brush your teeth with this mixture for 2 minutes with the help of your finger.
    3. Clean your mouth and teeth with normal water.
    4. Following this remedy regularly will help you to remove white spots on the teeth.

    Margosa (Neem) to Remove White Spots on Teeth

    The astringent properties of margosa help to remove the white spots on the teeth. Apart from that it also takes care of the dental health.  Its antibacterial property kills the bacteria and treats various other teeth problem like bad breath, bleeding gum, toothache, etc.
    Get this:
    • Margosa oil: 2 to 3 drops
    • Your regular toothpaste
    • A small bowl
    Do this:
    1. Take the required quantity of toothpaste in a small bowl.
    2. Add 2 to 3 drops of margosa oil to it and mix well.
    3. Now brush your teeth with this margosa mixed toothpaste to get rid of white spots on your teeth.
    4. Clean your teeth with normal water
    Note: You can also use margosa twigs to brush your teeth or else can chew some tender margosa leaves in the morning. It will also help to fix white spots on teeth.

    Banana Peel for Removing White Spots on Teeth

    Loaded with minerals like magnesium, manganese, and potassium, banana peels remove white spits from the teeth effectively. It works by penetrating deep into the teeth.
    Get this:
    • Ripe banana – 1
    Do this.
    1. Remove the peel of the ripe banana.
    2. Rub the peel on the teeth for 2 minutes.
    3. Leave it for 15 minutes, and then brush your teeth with your regular toothpaste.
    4. Wash your mouth and teeth with normal water.
    5. Following this process daily will fix the white spot problem on teeth.

    Turmeric to Fix White Spots on Teeth

    Turmeric is very well known for its stain-removing properties. And here regarding the white spots on the teeth, it can be used along with lemon juice and salt o remove it.
    Get this:
    • Turmeric powder – 1 tsp
    • Salt – ½ tsp
    • Lemon juice – 1 tsp
    Do this:

    1. Mix all the ingredients well to make a smooth paste.
    2. Apply this paste on your teeth.
    3. Rub this paste for at least 2 minutes with the help of your fingers.
    4. Rinse your mouth with clean water.
    5. Apart from whitening your teeth, it also strengthens your teeth.

    Oil Pulling With Coconut Oil to Remove White Spots on Teeth

    Coconut oil contains lauric acid, which helps to remove the white spots on the teeth. In addition to that it also nourishes the teeth and makes it stronger. It also removes the plaque.
    Get this:
    • Coconut oil – 2 tbsp
    Do this:
    1. Put 2 tbsp of coconut oil in your mouth.
    2. Now swish the oil in your mouth for 10 minutes.
    3. Spit the oil and wash your mouth with warm water.
    4. If you follow this process every day morning, you will be successful in removing the spots from your teeth.

    Charcoal for White Spot Removal from Teeth

    One crazy remedy is to use activated charcoal to remove white spots on teeth. You might think how can be the ingredient which stains everything, useful in removing the white spots from your teeth. But, to your surprise it works wonders to remove white spots from the teeth.
    Get this:
    • Activated charcoal powder – 1 tbsp
    • Toothbrush
    Do this:
    1. Wet your toothbrush with water.
    2. Dip the bristles with the activated charcoal powder.
    3. Brush your teeth for 2 minutes.
    4. Wash your teeth and mouth with normal water.
    5. You can see the difference regarding the removal of white spots from your teeth with the regular use of activated charcoal powder.
    Note: In the place of charcoal you can also use ashes of burnt rosemary.

    Make Remineralizing Toothpaste At Home to Remove White Spots on Teeth

    The necessary ingredients in this homemade toothpaste, such as baking soda, calcium powder, xylitol, coconut oil, castile soap makes it effective to remove the white spots on the teeth as well as strengthening it.
    The calcium content in it will make the teeth stronger; baking soda will remove the stains; Xylitol powder will give a taste to the toothpaste; loaded with many minerals, diatomaceous earth will promote the remineralization process of the teeth; and the coconut oil with its anti-bacterial properties will protect as well as prevent white spots on teeth.
    Get this:
    • Coconut oil – 4 tbsp
    • Baking soda – 3 tbsp
    • Diatomaceous earth (optional) – 1 tbsp
    • Xylitol powder (optional) – 3 tbsp
    • Peppermint oil – 2 to 3 drops
    • Calcium powder – 5 to 6 tbsp
    • A small bowl
    Do this:
    1. Take diatomaceous earth, calcium powder, coconut oil, peppermint oil, Xylitol powder, and baking soda in a small bowl and mix well.
    2. Keep stirring the mixture to get the required consistency.
    3. You can store the mixture in a small jar.
    4. Use this mixture to brush your teeth daily.
    5. After few days, you will notice that the white spots on the teeth have reduced to a great extent.

    Other Remedies to Remove White Spots on Teeth

    Apart from the home remedies that are described in detail to get rid of white spots on teeth, there are also few other remedies that you can use to remove as well as prevent white spots on teeth.
    Strawberries: Rich in Vitamin C content, strawberry acts a natural teeth cleanser.  Crush 2 to 3 ripe strawberries to make a paste. Gently brush your teeth with this strawberry paste with the help of your finger. Following this process two to three times will help remove the white spots on the teeth.
    Apples: Apple contains malic acid and fiber that help to remove the stains from the teeth. Also, apple consumption increases the saliva production, which effectively prevents white spots on teeth. So eating one apple per day can definitely help you to fix this white spot issue on the teeth effectively.
    Orange Peel: Not only lemon juice and strawberries but also orange peel is rich in Vitamin C, which treats as well as prevents white spots on teeth. Direct rubbing of the orange peel on the white spots can also remove it. You can also use dried orange peel powder for the same purpose.
    Raw Carrots: Chewing raw carrots everyday will also help you remove the plaques from the teeth. It also maintains acid-alkaline balance in the mouth and kills bacteria.
    Citrus Fruit Consumption: The consumption of citrus fruit, such as orange, lemon, and pineapple can also help to maintain the whiteness of the teeth by removing the white spots from it. The consumption of such fruits promotes saliva creation in the mouth, which in turn removes the stains and white spots on teeth.
    Apple Cider Vinegar: Gargle daily with 1 tbsp of apple cider vinegar mixed with 1 glass of water. It not only will remove the white spots but also kill the bacteria and treat the bad breath problem.
    Raisins: The consumption of raisins removes the plaques from the teeth. Its consumption also creates move saliva, which helps to prevent white spots on the teeth.

    How to Prevent White Spots on Teeth

    It is equally important to take proper care so that the white spots on the teeth will not occur again. So follow the tips that are mentioned below to prevent it.
    1. After every meal, clean your mouth as well as your teeth properly. It will help to remove the food particles that got stuck between the teeth.
    2. Maintain a good oral hygiene. Brush your teeth twice a day. Using a fluoride rinse helps to keep your teeth clean.
    3. Go to a dentist in every six months for a regular dental check-up.
    4. Avoid the intake of more acidic food and drink that damages your enamel.
    5. If you wear braces, then take extra care to clean your teeth properly.
    6. Ensure to take food with sufficient calcium content to protect your teeth from tooth decay as well as white spots on teeth.
    So, now I am sure that you know it well how to get rid of white spots on teeth with the use of home remedies. Use the remedies as well as follow the tips to flaunt that sparkling smile with confidence.
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