• Powerful Home Remedies For Hair Growth

    Home Remedies For Hair Growth

    The Need For Hair Growth

    In some people overall thinning of the hair occurs without any bald spot or patterns. The individual will that the hair is not thick or full as it previously was. There are many reasons for this hair loss condition and most of them can be effectively treated using home remedies for hair growth. It is normal for a healthy person to lose up to 100 hairs a day. Though the condition is very common, it is very tough to live with it as it may change your appearance.

    Causes Of General Hair Loss

    The important causes of general hair loss include
    •    Rapid shedding of hair after child birth
    •    Hair loss after fever
    •    Sudden weight loss
    •    Some medications
    •    Certain illness and infections
    •    Severe stress
    •    Thyroid problems
    •    Anemia
    •    Age
    •    Poor diet

    Symptoms Of Hair Loss

    Hair thinning occurs very slowly and you may not notice the problem. Some of the important symptoms are
    •    Clumps of hair fall out
    •    Loss of more than 100 hairs in a day
    •    Thinning of the hairline
    It is necessary to understand the cause for hair loss and treat it with appropriate home remedies for hair growth. Good nutrition, good hygiene and adequate levels of vitamins and irons ensure the growth and health of the hair.

    Home Remedies For Hair Growth

    1.    Aloe Vera

    Aloe Vera is an excellent remedy for hair growth. Aloe Vera moisturizes the scalp and prevents dry itchy scalp it also balances the pH level of the scalp.
    •    Apply pure Aloe Vera gel on the scalp and massage for ten minutes
    •    Wait for a few hours and wash the hair with lukewarm water
    •    Repeat this remedy twice a week to get better results

    2.    Hot Oil Massage

    This is an effective home remedy for hair growth. Massaging the head and scalp with hot oil will improve the blood flow to the scalp and rejuvenates the hair follicles. Oil massage also controls dandruff and prevents hair loss.
    •    Massage the scalp daily with lukewarm oil
    •    You can use almond oil, olive oil, coconut oil, jojoba oil, rosemary oil or lavender oil to massage the scalp
    •    Leave the oil on hair at least for 30 minutes and wash it off
    •    You can keep the oil on the scalp overnight and wash it off next day morning to get better results

    3.    Onion Juice

    This is one of the oldest and most efficient remedy for hair growth. The sulfur present in the onion juice promotes the production of collagen proteins and help in the growth of the hair.
    •     Take red onions or shallots and chop it into small pieces.
    •    Squeeze out the juice  and apply it on the scalp
    •    Keep for 15 minutes and rinse off with mild shampoo

    4.    Apple Cider Vinegar

    This vinegar keeps the scalp clean and healthy and prevents infections and dandruff. This helps to accelerate the hair growth. It also maintains the pH of the scalp.
    •    After shampooing your hair rinse your hair with diluted apple cider vinegar to have healthy and shiny hair.

    5.    Egg

    Egg is a good remedy for hair growth. Applying an egg mask on the hair  will provide it with proteins necessary for the growth of the new hair. The egg also contains essential nutrients for hair such as sulfur, zinc, selenium, iron, phosphorus etc.
    •     To an egg add 1 teaspoon of olive oil and honey and mix well
    •    Apply this paste over the hair and leave it for twenty minutes
    •    Rinse with  cool water and mild shampoo

    6.     Green Tea

    Green tea is rich in antioxidants and hence promotes hair growth. You can use it externally as well as internally as a home remedy for hair growth.
    •    Drinking green tea 3-4 times a day helps in the overall health of the body as well as for the growth of the hair.
    •    You can apply warm green tea on your scalp and leave it on hair for one hour
    •    Rinse off the green tea with cool water to get shiny and soft hair

    7.    Vitamin E Oil

    Vitamin E oil has antioxidant properties and removes the free radicals from our body. It improves the oxygen supply to the scalp and aids in hair growth.
    •    Take vitamin E oil and massage it onto the scalp
    •    Leave the oil on the hair overnight and wash it off with a mild shampoo on next day morning.

    8.    Coconut Milk

    Coconut milk is rich in proteins and it also contains iron, potassium, essential fats. Applying coconut oil will reduce hair loss and breakage.
    •    Extract the milk of coconut and apply it on the scalp
    •    Keep it for two hours and wash it off with cool water to get soft and shiny hair

    9.    Potato Juice

    Potato juice helps in hair growth especially if you are suffering from thinning of hair.
    •    Apply potato juice on the scalp and leave it on the hair for 15 minutes
    •    Wash it off with lukewarm water
    •    You can also use water in which potatoes are boiled to rinse your hair to accelerate hair growth.

    10.     Fenugreek

    Fenugreek accelerates the growth of the hair and protects the color of the hair.
    •     Take 2 teaspoon of fenugreek and soak it in water overnight
    •    Make a paste of this fenugreek and apply it on your hair and scalp
    •    Leave  it for 30 minutes and wash off with mild shampoo

    11.    Henna

    Henna is a natural conditioner and it makes dry hair soft  and smooth. Henna strengthens the root of the hair
    •     Mix two tablespoons of henna powder in ½ cup yoghurt and keep it for two hours
    •    Apply this mixture on the hair and leave the pack for at least one hour
    •    Wash it off with mild shampoo and cold water.

    12.    Banana And Honey

    Banana and honey pack can work as a conditioner and moisturizes the hair.
    •    Mash one banana and add one tablespoon of honey  to it
    •    Apply the mask on the hair and wash it off after 45 minutes
    Are you suffering from hair loss or thinning of hair? Are you a person looking for home remedies for hair growth? Try out these remedies and get benefitted.
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