Devil May Cry 5  Free Download

    DmC: Devil May Cry (from Eng.  Devil May Cry ) – a video game in the genre of slasher . Created Ninja Theory and published by Capcom for Microsoft Windows , PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 . Restarting the famous franchise. The fifth game in the series of the same name and the first in a new series. This is the first game of the franchise, which does not Capcom  – development passed the English studio Ninja Theory , while Capcom control production. Version for consoles went on sale on January 15 and January 17 2013 . The version for personal computers made the Polish studio QLOC and was published on 25 January 2013 [1] . In Russia, the game was published by 1C Softklab and released with the original voice track and translated subtitles [10] .

    The game is recognized as the best slasher in 2013 by the magazine Gambling [11] . She also nominated for ” BAFTA “in the category” Best British game “

    The game is a mix of genres slasher and action adventure with elements of platforming in terms of travel to locations and RPG in terms of opening new skills. The gameplay is divided into three parts: the fight, move and fight with the bosses. The main enemies in the game are various demons. Their destruction is one of the main tasks of the player. The appearance is accompanied by demons blocking the only exit. So the player must destroy all the demons to pass on. As the number of daemonsadvancement increases, as well as, new varieties and combinations thereof, which complicates the game. Part of the game where the main thing – the rapid movement involved on combinations of abilities of the hero. The player will have to go through the passage way as quickly as possible, since in most cases begins to transform the city, trying to kill the player. The movement is not just a standard running and jumping, but also two kinds of whips, and special platforms boosters. The fight with the bosses is to apply chains strikes on their weaknesses as well as special conditions are met, these places were available for attacks. Often the bosses in the game have several bands health. For their destruction requires several times to perform the required conditions. Each time, the bosses are getting stronger, and the use of new attacks. After their death, most often, the player receives a new weapon.

    Dante can also use a variety of weapons. Generally, the gameplay has suffered changes. Now the game has no ” Lock-on “, which is kind of an eye in the early games of the series. In DmC player has two types of attacks: simple and strong, and which are scattered attacks, previously implicated in ” Lock-on “. There are three modes of combat. The first is the standard. In it Dante uses his sword, Rebel ( Engl.  Rebellion ) and a pair of pistols, Black and White ( Eng.  Ebony and Ivory ). Dante is able to strike varying severity and speed, as well as the use of firearms to keep opponents. The second mode is called “Mode Angel” ( Engl.  Angel Mode ). In it Dante uses a scythe, Osiris ( Engl.  Osiris ), or a pair of swords, boomerangs, Aquila ( Engl.  Aquila ). Using guns in this mode, Dante turns his sword into the angelic whip that attracts Dante to the opponents. Angelic arms and whip used at passage: Dante whip catches on special benches to move, and the scythe-blades or boomerangs used to destroy specific barriers. The last mode is called “daemon mode” ( Engl.  Demon Mode ). In it Dante’s sword transformed into a hell of an ax, the Arbitrator ( Engl.  Arbiter ), and a pair of gloves original, Eriks ( Engl.  Eryx ). When using the same gun in this mode, the result is the opposite “angelic mode”: this time the enemies themselves attracted to Dante. Also, the hook can be taken out of the hands of opponents shields that facilitates the process of destruction. Weapons in demonic mode also can destroy the special obstacles. Many demons can be blue or red hue, which allows them to attack only weapon in the angelic or demonic mode.

    The game is designed for players through a variety of different levels of complexity. Initially they are given only three: “Man” ( Engl.  Human ), “Demon Hunter” ( Engl.  Devil Hunter ) and “Nephilim” ( Engl.  Nephilim  – Giant ). After passing one of them opens the next level, after a more complicated and so on. “Son of Sparda” ( Engl.  Son of Sparda ) is resistant to damage enemies with quite a heterogeneous pattern of behavior. After passing on it becomes available , “Dante Must Die” ( Eng.  Dante Must Die ), which is a model of sophistication of the previous level of complexity: the faster and stronger opponents. The level of “Heaven or Hell” ( Engl.  Heaven or Hell ) gives all enemies even more power, which is enough to kill a player with one hit, but Dante himself could kill any enemy or boss with one hit. The last level of complexity “Hell and Hell” ( Engl.  Hell and Hell ) is the most complex: opponents in it is extremely resistant to damage, while Dante himself is killed by a single blow. Itself change the level of complexity is not only the power of opponents, but their number, a combination of variations of the demons at this level, as well as new attacks bosses. [ relevant facts? ]

    Also changed and the system itself scoring, becoming more evident: in the corner of the screen, where the player can see your rank, keeps track of points for each conducted by appointment. It affects a variety of techniques and use of weapons, the number of opponents who suffered damage in one step, the movement of the player, as well as the amount collected in the course of the battle fields [ source not specified 356 days ] . On Point in the game sphere player can afford to buy a variety of techniques and additional bonus items in the special menu available through procurement divine statues. The game has two types of “currency”: red spheres ( Eng.  Red Orbs ) for the purchase of various items and improve Points ( Eng.  Upgrade Points ) to improve the skills and techniques.

    “Hell trigger”
    In the game, the total number of bonuses, connect two new species. First – Lost Souls ( Eng.  Lost Souls ). Destroying and freeing them, the player gets extra points at the end of the mission. Second – Keys ( Engl.  Secret Keys ) and doors ( Engl.  Secret Doors ). Extracting the keys and opening their doors, the player hits the secret levels. There, fulfilled the conditions, the player receives a special cross to increase the level of health of Dante or scale “Hellfire trigger.”

    More Dante has previously known mode “Infernal trigger” ( Engl.  Devil Trigger ), in which Dante uses his demonic power. In it Dante’s hair color changes to white cloak becomes bright red, and the world around becomes pale and colorless. The speed and power of Dante increase and his health gradually restored. The scale of this regime is replenished as the destruction of enemies. The game has a special cross that increase the size of the scale. The larger it is, the longer Dante is able to be in this state.

    Also added to the game mode of practice. In it, players can develop themselves and their methods of chain, and various existing combos and combinations thereof. All methods are displayed on the screen in the order specified. Reception for practicing the player is given an ordinary demon.

    The game takes place in Limbo City ( Eng.  Limbo City ). The main character – a young man by the name of Dante. One day he comes Kat – unknown girl with the capabilities of the medium, who warns him about a “danger.” After that Dante gets in Limbo  – demonic distorted reflection of the real world. Using his extraordinary abilities, Dante goes from prosecution. The next day, Kate invites Dante to the headquarters of the organization “Procedure” ( Engl.  The Order ), under the leadership of a certain Virgil, who asks Dante to join them in order to help destroy the demons. They are sent to an unknown mansion, exploring which Dante learns the truth: Virgil – his twin brother, they themselves – the Nephilim, the children of an angel and a demon, who later paid for their feelings. Hearing this, Dante was overcome desire for revenge, and he joins Kate and Virgil. Virgil sheds light on everything that happens. Mundus, Demon King, now known as Kyle Ryder – the owner of the largest bank, which with the help of debt is in control of the whole world. Also demons “brainwash” the public through the media and poison their soft drink with some secret ingredient that suppresses the will of man. Dante must first destroy a factory for the production of beverages and then Tower to “attract attention” Mundus.

    With Kat Dante manages to perform his assigned task, first killing Sukkubshu, juice drink that poison, and then the news anchor. But during the destruction of the TV tower Dante learns that the location of their headquarters disclosed and there went commandos. Dante manages to reach the headquarters before the storm. While in Limbo, along with special forces, Dante finds Kate and Virgil. During the attack the brothers are forced to throw Kate, who Mundus takes hostage. He proposes a deal – Kate in exchange for Dante. But the latter recalls that during the destruction of the tower caught him Finneas demon that Dante revealed one important secret: at Mundus has a child. It bears Lilith – the owner of a night club. Dante uses it to save Kate.

    Kate tells the device tower Mundus. Joint work of Dante and Virgil leads them to the office of the King of demons. Dante manages to bring him out of himself, and yet Mundus versed with Dante, Virgil uses Yamato to close the portal to Hell. This leads to the merging of the worlds. Virgil Dante saves and resets the last Mundus roof. Thereafter Mundus takes his true form. Brothers enter the battle with the demon and overcome it.

    Dante and Virgil Kate standing on the roof, looking at the ruined city, realizing that it was all over. But at this point Virgil reveals his true plans – he wants to rule the people instead of Mundus. For this reason, the brothers come together in a fight, during which nearly kills Dante Virgil. Last retreats. Dante is with Kate, while at the last moment, we see how the eyes of Dante accept unnatural demonic appearance.

    Devil May Cry 5
    Devil May Cry 5
    System Requirements
    OS: Windows XP/Vista/7
    Processor:Intel Core 2 Duo E4600 2.4GHz  / AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 5400+
    Memory: 2 Gb
    Hard Drive: 9 Gb free
    Video Memory: 256 Mb
    Video Card: nVidia GeForce 8800 GTS  / ATI Radeon HD 3850
    Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
    DirectX: 9.0c
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