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    ArmA III ( Rus. ” armed attack III ” ) – a computer game in the genre of tactical shooter with role-playing elements , the third one of a series of games ArmA , developed by Bohemia Interactive Studio platforms for Microsoft Windows . Alpha version published March 5 beta version – June 25, the full release of 12 September 2013 on Steam

    Action game again occurs in the vast island, this time recreated with real island of Lemnos.
    Time of action – the future, the year 2035. United States occupied the confrontation with China in the Pacific Ocean , Turkey suffers the consequences of some disasters, and in Greece calms down a 10-year civil war. On US peacekeeping base on the island Stratis comes Corporal Ben Carey to help peacekeepers in folding base. During smuggle army trucks to the shore of the column attacking and they will learn at the beginning of a connection to invade the island. Together with Sergeant Adams Carrie tries to return to base, reflecting the attacks suddenly become enemies now local government forces (AAF). Finding that the base is destroyed, they get in touch with the surviving soldiers of NATO and go in search of them. However, Sergeant Adams is undermined by a mine, and Carrie continues the path alone. He finds the last NATO forces on the island – about two dozen soldiers under the command of Captain Scott Miller, retaining base Maxwell. In the next two days, Miller units have a number of combat missions on the island, and then evacuated from Stratis on water. The island planted forces CSAT – Iranian armed forces, allied to the local government. Carrie boat attack from the air, and the corporal loses consciousness.

    ArmA 3 is a military simulation which is located in the near future. In the year 2034 was Turkey hit by natural disasters and the Iran uses this fact by up to Greece to expand. The NATO intervenes and has to push back the invaders back. The player can choose between a large main card and a smaller map, as was the case in ArmA 2. In ArmA 3 there are two Greek islands “Altis” (formerly ” Lemnos “) and” Stratis “(actually “Agios Efstratios” ).

    The game was created with the new Real Virtuality Engine 4 and the players, it is now even possible to dive as frogmen under the water in a detailed underwater world.

    After project manager Daniel Musil Bohemia Interactive left, took over in December 2012 Joris-Jan van ‘t Land to lead the project. The planned release date was postponed to a later date in 2013. The reason for the delay, inter alia, the detention of two was an employee (see section controversy ) called.

    The Greek island of Limnos (engl. Lemnos) was selected as the venue after the CEO of Bohemia Interactive, Marek Spanel, had visited the island a few years ago during a holiday trip. After the arrest of two people on the island of Bohemia, the island decided the game in “Altis” rename.

    The public was involved early in the development. On March 5, 2013, the Alpha version was released, which was already to purchase by the general public.The user could submit bugs and suggestions to improve the game. On 25 June 2013 Bohemia Interactive released the beta version of the game. Again, the developers were able errors are reported, which were then fixed in the full version and in beta patches.
    Arma 3 Alpha PC Game Full Version Free Download Single Link
    Arma 3 Alpha PC Game Full Version Free Download Single Link
    Arma 3 Alpha PC Game Full Version Free Download Single Link
    Arma 3 Alpha PC Game Full Version Free Download Single Link

    Arma 3 PC Game Minimum System Requirement

    Operating System:Windows Vista SP2 or Windows 7 SP1
    CPU: Intel Dual Core 2.4 GHz or AMD Dual-Core Athlon 2.5 GHz
    RAM Memory: 2 GB RAM
    Graphics Card:NVIDIA GeForce 8800GT or AMD Radeon HD 3830 or Intel HD Graphics 4000 with 512 MB VRAM
    Hard Drive:10 GB HD space

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