• Keys need a safe storage place – where you can find them

    Keys need a safe storage place – where you can find them

    Anyone who's misplaced a set of car keys knows the great struggle to keep them handy, but not where thieves can find them

    Anyone who's misplaced a set of car keys knows the great struggle to keep them handy, but not where thieves can find them

    I can’t find my keys. My house has many drivers; if that were not so, I wouldn’t constantly be trying to prepare a place to keep our keys. We have to share and my kids are generally responsible, but stuff happens.
    There was a time, long before a renovation (trim work still not complete) that I had a small shelf with magnetized edges. It was great; you simply lobbed your keys in the general direction of the thing, and they stuck there like glue. I insisted visitors used it, too, after a friend’s toddler once lifted my keys from my purse and hid them under a TV stand while I was visiting her. They actually weren’t located until the following day (the keys, not the toddler) and I needed a late night rescue call from a spouse with a spare set of keys. Believing nothing is truly safe in a home with toddlers, I got in the habit of doing this adult equivalent of a keymaster at a frat party.
    I now have a bin by the door and beg the kids to keep the keys there. When you live in a municipality where the bylaw enforcement is more predictable than a sitcom laugh track, you follow the rules. And when you work shifts and live in a house where cars are being stacked in the driveway, you leave your keys where we can find them or we will awaken you from your leaden slumber.
    The bin, of course, is simply an idea that rarely makes it into practice. I find keys on the kitchen counter, beside computers, in the bathroom and in coat pockets. A friend has a locator on his keychain that lets him call it from his phone; I love that idea, but we spend nearly as much time looking for phones as we do for keys.
    Several years ago, police started warning people not to leave their car keys near the front door. Insurance Bureau of Canada statistics indicate that 60 per cent of cars are stolen with their keys in them. This covers keys that were easily locatable, as well as keys left dangling in the ignition. Your car is worth far more to thieves if the key is intact, even if it’s being sent overseas before you notice it’s gone. Modern immobilizer technology makes that key fob far more important than any key ever was.
    Locking your car in your driveway, it seems, isn’t enough anymore. Human behaviour dictates that there is a high likelihood those keys are just inside the front door: sitting in a bin, or dangling from a hook. So I’m told not to do the thing I can’t make anyone do anyway.
    I read a recent “tip” that told me I should take my keys to bed with me. That way I could set off the car alarm in case I was being murdered. I couldn’t think of the upside to this, quite frankly. I could be upstairs being burgled while my neighbours all stood around my blaring car calling me names, or, more likely, ignoring it altogether. Since the advent of aftermarket car alarms several decades ago, I’ve yet to see anyone respond to the frantic combo of lights and horn. Car alarms are the boy who cried wolf.
    I bought a new car recently, and traded in my old one. “Sign here, sign here, sign here, and you’ll bring in the second key fob?” I was asked. Of course I would. I’d be back in an hour. 
    “I need the spare key,” I told my son when I got home.
    “I told you Pammy lost it last year,” he replied.
    “You did not, nor did she, and how can you lose a whole key fob?” I turned the place upside down, all while knowing in my head if I can rarely find the first key, my hopes of finding the second one were dim. I couldn’t find it. Back at the dealer we quietly negotiated the cost of living in a house with a lax keymaster.
    When I was a teenager commuting to university, I used to lock the keys in the car. I had CAA who would come and bail me out, and my Dad finally got another key cut for me to keep in my wallet. This worked some of the time (if my purse wasn’t in the car) but I remember his stern look at this foolish waste of resources. He didn’t live long enough to learn how expensive replacing a key is these days, and I’m sure he would have used bad language and worse behaviour had he lived to find out. 
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