• How to Reduce Breast Size Fast at Home

    Bigger breast size is always related to one’s attractiveness and beauty. And the desire to have bigger bust is something which every woman wants irrespective of the age. But this is not the case with everybody. There are women who really suffer from this issue of excessive bigger busts, which is not only painful but also causes various problems. Sometimes it may cause pain in the shoulder and neck.
    In addition to health problems, this issue also makes the woman feel uncomfortable while moving in the social circle. She also finds it extremely difficult to find a well-fitting dress for her. She just cannot ignore the awful look of people.
    [Also Read: How to Increase Breast Size Naturally]
    Every woman wants a perfect body along with the perfection in each body part, where the size of the busts occupies an important place. She just wants the bust size to be perfect, neither more nor less.

     What Causes Bigger Breasts

    The breasts start to develop on the female body just before the onset of the puberty and grow till she attains the age of 20. If the growth is normal she will get good breast size but if the growth is rapid, she will face the problem of having bigger boobs.
    There are many causes due to which the breasts grow more, causing bigger busts. Let’s have a look at the various possible causes that increase the size of the breasts.

    Changes in Hormones:

    Hormone plays a greater role in bringing out the changes in various parts of the female body during puberty. The girl experiences development in her breast size due the increase of the hormone called estrogen. So when the body produces more estrogen than the required quantity, the problem of increased breasts occurs.

    Pregnancy and Breast Feeding:

    The size of the breasts also increases during pregnancy as well as during pregnancy due to hormonal changes in the body, which gradually reduces after the delivery of the baby.

    Excessive Weight Gain:

    It is one of the main causes of large breasts. As you gain weight rapidly, the fat tissues get accumulated in various parts of the body including the breasts, thus ultimately increasing the size of the breasts.


    The size of the breasts is also determined by the family lineage. It not only depends upon the mother but also father as well.

    Body Type:

    It is also one of the causes of bigger breasts. If you are short and have a plump figure then you will find the accumulation of fat in your breast area making them bigger in size.


    Sometimes due the use of certain medicines or drugs also lead to bigger breasts as a result of the side effects of using those drugs. As per some studies, chemotherapy, anabolic steroids and marijuana can enlarge the size of the breasts.

    Different Ways to Reduce Breast Size

    Having bigger breasts not only make someone uncomfortable but also make the concerned person experience various health conditions like pain in the neck and back,  shoulder pain, breathlessness, etc.
    There are various ways, such as the use of OTC drugs, cosmetic surgery, etc., which promise to give you the desired result of reducing your breast size, but here we cannot rule out the side effects of these methods. Sometimes the breast decreasing surgeries cause breast reduction scars as well as life-threatening situations.
    So keeping in view of these things, it is always wise to go for natural methods, such as home remedies, exercises, massage therapy, diet, etc., to reduce the breast size.

    How to Reduce Breast Size with Home Remedies

    Green Tea to Reduce Breast Size

    Green tea is one of the effective ingredients that will help you to reduce the body weight, thus will help to reduce the increased size of your breasts. It contains catechins, which stimulate the body to burn the deposited calories.
    I must mention here one of the most important usages of green tea. Its regular consumption reduces the risk of breast cancer apart from decreasing the size of the breasts.
    Things we need :
    • Hot water – 1 cup
    • Green tea leaves: 1 tsp
    • Honey (for taste) – 1 tsp
    1. Take 1 cup of hot water and add 1 tsp of green tea powder to it.
    2. Cover it and let it steep for few minutes.
    3. Strain it and drink it warm.
    4. Drink this amazing tea at least twice or thrice a day to reduce the breast size.

    Flaxseed to Reduce Breast Size

    Omega-3 fatty acid is the property, which helps to reduce the estrogen level in the body. And flaxseed is loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, thus its consumption ultimately help to reduce the size of the breasts.
    Things we need:
    • Hot water- 1 glass
    • Ground flaxseed – 1 tbsp
    1. Take 1 glass of hot water and add 1 tbsp of ground flaxseed to it.
    2. Stir it properly and drink it hot.
    3. Drink it one time a day will help you to reduce the breast size.
    4. In the place of ground flaxseed, you can also intake 1 tbsp of flaxseed oil daily to reduce the breast size.

    Ginger Tea to Reduce Breast Size

    The consumption of ginger helps to burn the accumulated body fat by increasing the metabolic rate of the body. If you burn fat then ultimately you will be able to reduce the size of your breasts as breasts include fatty adipose tissues in them.
    Things we need:
    • Ginger root – 1 tbsp
    • Water – 1 ½ cup
    • Honey (for taste) – 1 tbsp
    • Saucepan
    • Strainer
    1. Take 1 ½ water in a saucepan and boil it in low flame for few minutes.
    2. Add 1 tbsp of ginger root to it and boil for 5 minutes in low flame.
    3. Strain the tea and add the sugar and stir well.
    4. Drink this tea hot once in a day to feel the difference in your breast size.

    Neem and Turmeric to Reduce Breast Size

    This remedy is useful particularly for the nursing mothers, who often face inflammation of the breasts during breastfeeding.
    The use of neem and turmeric help to reduce the size of the breasts as both the ingredients contain anti-inflammatory properties.
    Things We Need:
    • Water – 2 cups
    • Neem leaves -2 handful
    • Turmeric powder – 2 tsp
    • Honey (for taste)- 2 tsp
    • Saucepan
    • Strainer
    1. Take 2 cups of water in a saucepan
    2. Add the neem leaves to it and boil it in low flame for 10 minutes.
    3. Strain the tea and add the turmeric powder to it.
    4. Also, add the honey and stir well.
    5. Drink this tea hot.
    6. Take this tea daily till you get desired results in reducing the breast size.

    Other Home Remedies to Reduce Breast Size

    Apart from the home remedies that are mentioned above, there are some other natural remedies that you can use to reduce the size of the breasts. Read on to know more about them.

    Egg White and Onion to Reduce Breast Size:

    Whisk the white part of 1 egg and apply it on the breasts. Leave it for 20 to 25 minutes. Then take the juice of 1 onion and mix 1 glass of water in it. Now, wash the egg white with the onion juice mixed water. This remedy will help to reduce the size of the breasts.

    Guarana to Reduce Breast Size:

    Vastly used in breast reduction pills, this herb can be used raw to reduce the size of the breasts. Guarana contains tannin and caffeine, which helps to increase the metabolic rate of the body, thus helps to reduce the size of the breasts by targeting the adipose fatty tissues in the breasts.

    Fenugreek to Reduce Breast Size:

    The use of fenugreek seeds can make your breasts look smaller by toning up the breast tissues and making it firm. Take 3 tbsp of fenugreek seeds and soak it overnight. Next day morning grind it to make a smooth paste. Now, apply this paste on the breasts and after 10 minutes, rinse it off with normal water. Follow this process twice a week to make your boobs appear smaller.

    Rubia Cordifolia to Reduce the Breast Size:

    This herb helps to reduce the breast size by decreasing the estrogen level in the body. Apart from that it also purifies the blood.

    Hoelen for Breast Reduction:

    It is a type of fungus, which can be used to reduce the size of the breasts.  It is vastly used in breast reduction pills.

    Massage Therapy to Reduce Breast Size

    Massage therapy to reduce the boob size has been used since centuries. Going for massage therapy is one of the most effective and safest methods to reduce the breast size. This method does not cause any side effects and at the same time you to get your desired breast size barring the need to go under the knife.  Also, it will help to tone the adipose tissues of the breasts and make them firm.

    How to Perform the Massage:

    Step 1:
    1. Take a bath and after that pat your body properly.
    2. Take some oil in your hand like olive oil or coconut oil and rub both the palms to make them warm.
    Step 2:
    1. Now take some more oil in your right hand and apply it on the buds of the left breast. Ensure not to touch the nipple.
    2. Now massage the bud of your left breast with your right hand in circular motions starting from inside to the outside.
    3. Perform this massage at least for 10-15 minutes.
    Step 3:
    1. Follow the same procedure for the right breast.
    2. Perform this massage at least for 10-15 minutes.
    Step 4:
    1. Now, take some more oil in your left hand and apply it to the area next to the nipple of your right breast.
    2. Massage it in circular motions starting from inside to the outside.
    3. Perform this massage at least for 10-15 minutes.
    4. Follow the same procedure for the left breast also.
    5. Follow this massage therapy at least twice a day, morning as well as evening to reduce the breast size naturally and effectively.
    Note: Do not wear the bra immediately soon after the massage. Wait for some time till the skin absorbs the oil fully.

    Diet to Reduce Breast Size

    As weight gain and fat deposition in various parts of the body are few of the main reasons of heavier breasts, you need to take special care regarding your diet to reduce your breast size.

    Citrus Fruit Juices:

    The intake of citrus fruit juices help to reduce the size of the boobs effectively. Citrus fruits contain a good amount of Vitamin C in them, which help to burn the deposited fat in the body by increasing the metabolic rate of the body.
    You can drink 2 glasses of any citrus fruit juice, such as sweet lime, orange, cranberry, grape fruit, etc., to reduce the breast size

    Consume Fish:

    Eating fish will definitely help you to reduce breast size as it is rich in omega 3 fatty acids, which is very helpful in burning fat. You can eat fish by baking, grilling and frying it.
    Consume fishes like tuna, salmon, mackerel, herring or trout.

    Fruits and Vegetables:

    Include more fruits and vegetables in your daily diet as these are low in calories but give you more energy to work. Include broccoli, spinach, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts in your daily diet.

    Consume Nuts:

    Consuming nuts like Brazilian nuts, macadamia nuts, walnut, almond, which are not salted also helps to stimulate the metabolism process of the body. It makes the body burn more calories, thus helps to reduce the fat that is accumulated in various parts of the body. This process in turn ultimately burns the fat in the breast area and helps to reduce the size of the breasts.

    Exercises to Reduce Breast Size

    Apart from using home remedies and massage therapy, you can perform certain exercises, which are extremely helpful to reduce the size of the breasts. Have a look at some of the exercises to reduce breast size.

    Light Weight Lifting to Reduce Breast Size

    This exercises works by working on the chest muscles.
    How to Do:
    1. Sit straight on a chair.
    2. Hold the dumbbells in each hand.
    3. Lift them up and then bring them back to the initial position.
    4. Perform this exercise as many times as you can to reduce the size of the breasts.

    Push ups to Reduce Breast Size

    This exercise works to reduce the breast size by working on the shoulder and chest muscles.
    How to Do:
    1. Lie on your stomach on the floor.
    2. Stretch your legs straight by keeping your feet close to each other.
    3. Keep your palms firm on the ground and fingers slightly apart.
    4. Push you chest upwards and remain in that position for 2 seconds.
    5. Return to the initial position.
    6. Repeat this process at least 10 to 15 times a day to get your desired breast size.

    Decline Presses to Reduce Breast Size

    This exercise helps to reduce the breast size by tightening the chest area.
    How to do:
    1. Lie on your back on a decline bench.
    2. Hold the dumbbells in each of your hands.
    3. Stretch your hands upwards, and then come back to the initial position slowly.
    4. Repeat this exercise 10 to 15 times a day to notice a change in the size of your breasts.

    Incline Press to Reduce Breast Size

    This exercise works by toning up the muscles in the chest area.
    How to do:
    1. Lie straight on a bench with your back.
    2. Hold the dumbbells in each of your hands above your head.
    3. Slowly bring the dumbbells down towards your chest.
    4. Repeat this exercise 10 to 15 times a day to reduce the breast size.

    Other Exercises to Reduce Breast Size

    Swimming: It is a very good exercise to reduce the breast size as it works well on the chest as well as on the shoulder muscles. It is a good exercise for the whole body, which helps to burn the accumulated fat in the body, thus ultimately helps to reduce the breast size. Apart from that swimming also firms up the breasts.

    Climbing the Stairs: Climb the stairs every day for 15 to 20 minutes to burn out the excess fat from the various parts of the body including the breast area.
    Jogging: Jogging is another exercise, which helps to reduce the accumulated body fat by working on the entire body.  So jog for 20 to 30 minutes every day in the morning as well as in the evening to reduce the excess adipose fat from the breast area.


    • Do not eat fatty or oily food as you know that fat accumulation is one of the main reasons of heavier breasts.
    • Do not eat junk and processed food as these foods contain unsaturated fat, which may further increase your breast size.
    • Stay away from sweets as the consumption of these makes the person fat, thus the increased breast size.
    • Follow an exercise regime daily to burn the calories and keep yourself fit.
    • Involve in some physical activities so that there will be no fat accumulation in your body.
    • Eat smaller portions of meals. In spite of taking 3 large meals, divide the meals to 6 smaller portions, which will help you keep full throughout the day. This method will curb your hunger pangs and consumption of more food to make you fat.
    • Wear a full coverage bra with right size.
    Now there is no point to worry about how to reduce breast size as there are various remedies as well exercises that can help to decrease the size of the breasts.
    So go for the natural remedies, massage therapies or exercises to get the desired result soon!
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