• How To Prevent Pimples Due To Dandruff

    How To Prevent Pimples Due To Dandruff

    How Pimples Are Caused By Dandruff?

    People who have dandruff are more likely to have pimples on their face especially in the forehead area. Dandruff causes flaky skin on the scalp and these dry skin flakes can clog the pores on the face and body leading to pimples. If you are a person with pimple prone skin, dandruff can worsen the problem. Dandruff occurs when the scalp is too oily or too dry. Dandruff can appear any time from infancy to old age. However, the pimples appear more during teenage years. The pimples caused by dandruff can be seen even in people more than 20 years of age. So, if you want to prevent pimples due to dandruff you will have to treat the dandruff and also you will have to prevent the breakouts of pimples. Keeping the scalp clean and having a proper diet will help to control the problem. Vitamin B present in eggs and cabbage controls dandruff. It is necessary to avoid coffee, tea, ice creams or processed foods when you have dandruff problems. Drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated and to remove the toxins from your body which may cause pimples. There are many home remedies available to prevent the pimples caused due to dandruff.


    The exact cause of dandruff is not known. The possible causes include
    • Excess oil production
    • Increased skin secretions
    • Dryness of the scalp
    • Increase in skin yeast
    • Poor hygiene of the scalp
    • Emotional and mental stress


    The signs and symptoms of pimples due to dandruff include
    • Pimples mainly on the forehead and hairline areas
    • White flakes of the dark clothing
    • Itchy scalp
    • Dry facial skin
    • Dandruff on eyebrows

    Home Remedies To Prevent Pimples Due To Dandruff

    How To Prevent Pimples Due To Dandruff
    1. Antidandruff Shampoo
    When you use anti dandruff shampoo to wash your hair the flakes of the skin in the scalp get removed along with dirt and grime. This will keep your scalp clean and free of dandruff.
    • Apply good anti- dandruff shampoo at least twice a week on your hair.
    • Wash all the affected areas like scalp, ears, face and chest using this anti-dandruff shampoo to get better results.
    2. Keep The Hair Off Your Face
    When your hair with dandruff is in contact with the facial skin, it can lead to pimples.
    • Try to keep the hair off the face using hair bands.
    • Do not leave the hair loose pull the long hair back and keep it in a ponytail or braid.

    3. Hot Oil Massage
    If your pimple is caused by dry scalp dandruff, hot oil massage can help to reduce the problem. Hot oil for the scalp will loosen the dead skin and relaxes you. It improves the blood circulation to the scalp keeping the scalp healthier.
    • Apply hot oil to the scalp and massage the scalp
    • Wash off the oil with good antidandruff shampoo
    • Do this remedy at least once in a week
    4. Lime Juice
    Lime has anti bacterial property and it helps to cleanse the scalp.
    • Take the juice of the lime and apply to the scalp.
    • Leave the lime juice on the scalp for 20-30 minutes
    • You can also apply lime juice on the pimple affected areas
    • Wash it off with mild hot water to get clean and dandruff free hair
    5. Wash Your Face Regularly
    Use a cleanser to wash your face twice a day. This will remove the flakes and grime out of your face which can lead to pimples by clogging the pores.
    • Use water based cleansers to clean the face twice a day
    • Washing more frequently can cause drying up of the skin which will aggravate the pimples.
    6. Apply Conditioners Away From Scalp
    If you use conditioners after shampooing make sure that you apply it one inch away from the scalp. The residue of conditioners can aggravate the dandruff.
    • Do not rub the conditioners on to the scalp.
    • Rinse off the conditioners thoroughly so that no residue is left on the hair.
    7. Apple Cider Vinegar
    This is one of the best home remedy to control the dandruff. Use this as a rinse after cleaning and conditioning your hair.
    • Add a few ounces of apple cider vinegar to water
    • Pour this mix through the hair to restore the pH balance of the hair
    • This will reduce dandruff as well as pimples
    8. Tea Tree Oil
    Tea tree oil has natural antibacterial property and helps to prevent pimples caused by dandruff.
    • You can either directly apply it on the wet hair and scalp and around the hairline
    • You can also add a few drops of the oil to the shampoo when you take the shower.
    9. Do Not Use Hair Styling Products
    Most of the hair styling products are oily in nature and this will clog the pores when they trickle to your face.
    • If necessary go for water based hair styling products.
    10. Brush The Hair Daily
    Brushing the hair daily will remove the dead cells on the scalp and it also helps to increase blood circulation.
    • Brush the hair at least twice a day
    11. Garlic And Oil Of Oregano
    These are excellent remedies for fighting dandruff
    • You can apply them on the scalp or take it internally to reduce the problem of pimples and dandruff.
    12. Onions
    They are rich in sulfur and prevent the itching of the scalp.
    • Apply onion juice on the scalp half an hour before bath
    • Massage it well on the scalp and wash it off using mild anti- dandruff shampoo.
    13. Olive Oil And Lime
    This remedy is very helpful in preventing dandruff.
    • Take one tablespoon of Olive oil and mix it with one teaspoon of lime juice.
    • Apply this on the scalp and leave it overnight
    • Shampoo the hair next morning to keep the dandruff at bay
    14. Apply Curd
    Applying curd can reduce the dandruff and applying the mixture of curd and turmeric can cure the pimples caused by dandruff.
    • Apply curd on the scalp half an hour before going to bath
    • Wash it off with lukewarm water to get shiny and clean hair.
    • Apply a paste of turmeric and curd on the pimple affected areas and leave it for 20 minutes.
    15. Almond Oil
    Almond oil reduces dandruff and promotes hair growth. This contains vitamins which prevent the growth of dandruff.
    • You can give a hot almond oil massage to the scalp once in a week
    • You can instead mix it with olive oil and apply to the scalp before taking bath
    16. Honey
    Honey has antiseptic property and helps to cure pimples. It reduces the itchiness caused by dandruff. It can be used in different ways.
    • You can mix honey with curd and apply on the scalp to remove the dandruff
    • You can mix honey with mashed bananas and can apply it on the scalp for 20 minutes to prevent dandruff.
    • You can use honey and turmeric mix to apply on the pimples caused by dandruff.
    17. Fenugreek Seeds
    This is one of the effective ways to prevent dandruff and the pimples caused by them.
    • Take two tablespoons of fenugreek seeds and soak it overnight in water.
    • Grind it to fine paste next day and apply it on the scalp.
    • Leave the paste for half an hour on the scalp.
    • Wash it off with mild shampoo
    18. Aloe Vera Gel
    Aloe can fight dandruff and pimples effectively.
    • Take the fresh Aloe Vera gel and apply it on the areas affected by dandruff.
    • Leave it for 15-20 minutes and have a shower after that to cleanse the scalp.
    19. Green Gram Powder
    Best results can be achieved if you apply green gram powder with curd onto your scalp.
    • Wash hair twice in a week with two tablespoons of green gram powder mixed with half cup of curd.
    20. Beet Root
    It has been found that Beetroots can reduce the problem of dandruff, if used regularly.
    • Boil the top as well as the roots of beet plant in water
    • Massage this water onto the scalp using the fingertips
    • Do this remedy daily for a few weeks to get rid of the dandruff problem completely.
    Are you a person prone to pimples? Are you suffering from dandruff? Your pimples may be due to the dandruff present on your scalp. Use any of the above home remedies to prevent the pimples due to dandruff. Not all the remedies may work effectively for each person. You will have to check out these remedies to find out which one is appropriate for your type of dandruff and pimples. You will not get disappointed by the results you will be experiencing using these simple and cheap home remedies.
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